Flickr user Nadia Prigoda-Lee snapped this pic... ...rics to the Björk song "Bachelorette" written in Braille . Link via Flavorwire student Danielle Pecora from the Pratt Ins... ...gned this ball to help children learn how to read Braille : Looking a bit like a stiff Koosh ball, it has... ...a letter of the alphabet in Latin on one side and Braille on the other. The object's to fit the pegs into 2... ...dents in the ball that are t... Link) NASA worked with Braille experts to create a tactile representation of the... fascinating article in the New York Times Magazi... ...agazine explains that knowlege about and usage of Braille by visually impaired people is declining as they... ...nowadays fewer than 1 in 10 blind children learn Braille . Part of the problem is that Braille is intri...