[https://youtu.be/Qo-Kv6VUlYo] (YouTube link)The a... ...://youtu.be/Qo-Kv6VUlYo] (YouTube link)The annual Boston Marathon took place today. If you've ever wondered how reg... ...ar pedestrians cross the street when it's full of marathon runners (and I bet you've never thought about it... ...you've never thou...
How Crowds Cross the Street During the Boston Marathon
The Photos That Changed The Boston Marathon Forever
[https://youtu.be/fOGXvBAmTsY] (YouTube link)Up un... ...ntil about 50 years ago, women were excluded from marathons , and indeed the longest footrace in the Olympics... .... In the early ‘60s, a few women snuck into marathons without registering, but in April of 1967, Kathri... ...Switzer of Syracuse U...
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