Neatorama Posts Tagged "Bird"
The Transylvanian Naked Neck Chicken...

Research into why Transylvanian naked neck chicken...  ...alance between genes and chemicals that produce a bird 's (not just chickens) feather pattern while it is...  ...n Mou from the University of Edinburgh found that bird necks are naturally more disposed to nakedness th...  ...o benefit to poultry, but chic...
Aflockalypse? More Dead Birds, This Time From Sweden

It's getting creepy. First, it was Arkansas, then...  ...y. First, it was Arkansas, then Louisiana ... now birds are dropping dead out of the skies over Sweden:To...  ...Sweden:To add to the mystery, 50-100 jackdaws, a bird species in the crow family, fell dead in central...  ...; Skovde police commander Tomas A...
Mass Suicide of Birds?

Remember the thousands of blackbirds dropping dead...  ...of the original death spot in Beebe, Arkansas:The birds were found Monday along Louisiana Highway 1, abou...  ...arlier. Authorities say examinations showed those birds suffered internal injuries that formed deadly blo... weather was to blame. Othe...
Azhdarchids: The Largest Flying Creatures That Have Ever Existed on Earth...

Image: Mark Witton/Darren NaishWhat do you get whe...  ...on/Darren NaishWhat do you get when you combine a bird with a giraffe? The largest flying creatures that...
Big Toothy Bird

Scientists have unearthed the fossilized remains o...  ...unearthed the fossilized remains of a prehistoric bird with a wingspan of 17 feet! The Latin name given...  ...pan is probably close to the maximum for a flying bird . The bird flew over South America between 10 and 5 mi...
Snake Island of Brazil...

The good news: Tired of overcrowded cities? A pris...  ...uare meter. The snakes live on the many migratory birds (enough to keep the snake density remarkably high...
Kiwi on a Treadmill...

Piwi the Kiwi was born emaciated and with two bro...  ...wi ingenuity in helping out their plucky national bird :Losing blood, Piwi was rushed back to Massey Univ...

(Live Leak link) This cockatoo's name is Billy, but they should have named him Houdini! -via reddit...
Pigeons with Backpacks...

Photo: Zsuzsa ÁkosNext on Milan Fashion Wee...  ...aacute;nd University, Hungary, to determine which bird in a flock of pigeons is the dominant one:If you'...  ...If you're a scientist and you want to learn which birds lead the flock during flights and which follow, t...  ...ter way to research that quest...
Thief Caught on Street View...

Is this a scene from Finding Nemo? Or Alfred Hitch...  ...cene from Finding Nemo? Or Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds ? No, this bird was caught absconding with a piece of lunch on Go...

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