Neatorama Posts Tagged "Bird"
Stress Squishy Rubber Chicken...

Stress Squishy Rubber ChickenAre you feeling like your life is running a-fowl? Have you been cooped up for too long? Maybe it's time to beak out the Stress Squishy Rubber Chicken from the NeatoShop. This little stress ba...
How Birds Get Oxygen Inside Their Eggs

[] (YouTube link) Birds , along with mammals and everything taxonomically...  ...naerobic bacteria, require oxygen to live. When a bird lays an egg, it contains everything necessary to...  ..., it contains everything necessary to build a new bird -exce...

I knew something was off about this scene from the...  ...cted turn, but it fits the setup perfectly. Those birds didn't have the greatest disguise, but our victim...
Brazen Bird Theft

Here's one of those stories you wouldn't believe i...  ...while she waits for her purchase to be rung up. A bird lands right in front of her. Then things get weir...
Birdsong Contests

In another example of how humans will turn any con... a competition, behold the competitive world of birdsong . Birds sing naturally, some species more than others, bu...  ...some species more than others, but in south Asia, bird enthusiasts will train their pets to sing...
2017 Bird Photographer of the Year Awards

The picture above is called Feeding Flamingos by A...  ...ejandro Prieto Rojas. It won the top honor at the Bird Photographer of the Year awards, plus first place...  ...apher of the Year awards, plus first place in the Bird Portrait category, from Nature Photographers Ltd...  ...ere awarded in categories such a...
Levitating Bird

Watch the weird way this bird flies! The original video from Al Brooks is 21 se...  ...e rate of the security camera synched up with the bird 's flapping rate. You've seen that effect in wagon...  ...helicopter blades in videos. The effect makes the bird seem to just float aro...
Narcissist Bird Loves to Stare at Its Own Reflection

Image: Nick Wiggins/ABC When...  ...When wildlife expert Caitlin Raynor spotted a bird mesmerized by its own reflection in a window, she...  ...ittle did Raynor knew that she'd be launching the bird into Internet stardom, with images of the "N...  ...rnet stardom, with images of the "Narci...
Bird Dubstep

Joe Penna, who we've seen before as Mystery Guitar..., created a new dubstep song completely made of bird sounds and drums. Oh yeah, and a little bit of Si...  ...afM] (YouTube link)Granted, it helps when you use birds that imitate other sounds, such as the lyrebird a...
What’s A Woggin?...

In the 18th century, ships sailed all over the wor...  ...n. There was a mention of wings, but what kind of bird was the woggin? Whaling historian Judith Lund wan...  ...'s logs for their research. Read the story of the bird once known as the woggin at Atlas Obscura.

NeatoShop Products Tagged "Bird"
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