It's only a concept now, but designer Juri Zaech is working on a real prototype of his "Write a Bike" concept. If it works out, then you'll be able to special order a bike that spells your own name. Can't wait... above is the "Duplex," which uses a conne... ...y means of which the two front wheels of ordinary bicycles of the same make may be coupled together." The... to get on and off the high-wheeled non-tandem bicycles , how to ride side-saddle, and how to ride without... This bicycle shop in Atlandsberg, Germany, needed no stinkin'... ...needed no stinkin' signs because they've got 120 bicycles mounted on the building's wall - via Flavorwire two wrong make a right? Perhaps not, but two... ...l each other out!Cubiclebot has a video clip of a bicycle rider going the wrong way hitting a pedestrian wh... scans of an old safety booklet for child... full of gruesome injuries that befall careless bicycle riders, pedestrians, and kids at play. In fairne... ...a common parenting tool. There were no reflective bicycle helmets or knee-pads for skateboarders, no design... ...ets or knee-pads for skateboa... night, author Jami Attenberg returned to the place where she locked her bike and found it gone. I didn’t cry but I jutted my lower lip out the entire way home. It was a genuine sad face. I tried to stop the sad f... you hear the story about how Allie tried to learn how to ride a bike? She was deathly afraid of the contraption, and for good reason, which you can read about at Hyperbole and a Half. Link... by food-dispensing kiosks in remote European locations, a restauranteur in Madison, Wisconsin is planning to build a cafe that can ONLY be accessed by pedestrians and bicyclists. Food would be served on plastic... designer SungKug Kim made this bicycle and a couple of others which incorporate the shap... some point you have to grow up and leave yo... ...him a fresh coat of paint, and mount him on your bicycle for a distinctive ride that will never be confuse...