It's been almost seven years since we first saw th... ...first saw the amazing puppet designing skills of Barnaby Dixon . With more videos over the years, we've also come... ...ters separate from the puppeteer. This is because Dixon spent years studying anatomy and movement in orde... ...e the box. In this vi... Barnaby Dixon (previously at Neatorama) introduces us to his ne... ...a quadruped puppet. This one is a dog, for which Dixon put in some real research on how dogs move in ord... Dixon (previously at Neatorama) puts his unique hand pu... face" has a tiny screen for a mouth that shows Dixon 's vocal work in real time. The song is his versio... Dixon (previously at Neatorama) can make a puppet out o... Dixon , who's made some awesome puppet designs before, i... ...cent effects are neat. But the real magic here is Dixon 's skills as a puppeteer and the way he makes the... Dixon is the young puppet designer who showed us his de... Dixon shows off his new puppet design, and it’s q... ...t, but I’m sure that can be worked around. Dixon did another video since then, in which you can se...