Ben Carter is 14 and has severe autism . He takes his medicine in liquid, served in the o... with autism sometimes wear weighted vests that compress aroun... ...fect. A responsible adult can see when a kid with autism needs one and respond by putting it on.That's hel... is 1 of 3 award-winning products for kids with autism featured at Core77. Amanda Wilkins)Amanda Wilkins is the mothe... ...of two children, both of whom have blindness and autism . Taking them shopping is hard. When they arrived... Elder Robison dealt with autism for 50 years. He had his life in place, with a wi... under experimental study for the treatment of autism and other uses. In his case, it was wildly succes... ...sized that the emotional cues I was missing in my autism would bring me... Denine Davies)Mason has never had a comple... ...very difficult experience for him because he has autism . But when Mason came with his mom into a barber s... Mary Beth Nelson)Sesame Street Workshop wa... ...reet Workshop wants to reach out to children with autism and their parents. It now offers an array of reso... ...children how to interact with other kids who have autism . People magazine talked to Sesame Street executiv... DiPiazza, diagnosed as autistic at age two, i... ...of age, she wrote a song called “Heroes of Autism ” for Toys R Us, which helped raise over thr... research and assistance for children with autism . At the 2012 Night of Too Many Stars, then 11-ye... ...p called Actionplay Chorus... Lancaster Online)Aaron Seldomridge, 22, of... ...on Seldomridge, 22, of Ephrata, Pennsylvania, has autism . It's very difficult for him to communicate verba... ViaSometimes, the web is full of irreverence... ...before:I took my little brother (who falls on the autism spectrum) to see Guardians of the Galaxy and afte... ...ords, and tell everyone he knows that people with autism can also be superheroes.You can click the link be... Archibald is a photographer in San Francis... ...more serious. Mr. Archibald’s son, Eli, has autism . He looks at the world differently than most othe...