Remember the super blue blood moon eclipse from Ja... ...captured it on 8K panoramic video, along with the Aurora Borealis ! The time-lapse footage is stunning.[https://yout... Alberta Aurora Chasers Facebook group shares pictures its member... ...ers of a Facebook group called the “Alberta Aurora Chasers” who named the display “Steve... ...omly names it Steve. Steve was formerly called by aurora chasers and photographers a &ldq... and filmmaker Chris Burkard records s... ...zing opportunity to photograph a surfer under the Aurora Borealis . [] (YouTube link)Bu... released some ultra-high definition footage t... it orbits earth. with special emphasis on the Aurora Borealis and Aurora Australis, seen from above.[ ...oothing. See: city lights, lightning strikes, the auroras lying in bed under a glass igloo in Finlan... ...bed under a glass igloo in Finland, watching the Aurora Borealis . That’s the kind of thing you want to put o... cocktail isn't imaginary. In fact, with a bla... ...right ingredients, you can actually make your own Aurora Jungle Juice at home.If you're wondering how it l... Lights is an absolutely gorgeous stop motion video clip by Ole C. Salomonsen of Arctic Light Photo about the northern lights. Ole filmed the video in the northern parts of Norway,... Brad Goldpaint - view mor... ...A double-burst of solar particles sparked auroral lights over the weekend, as expected...