Sky News reports that David Game College, a privat... ...class of 20 students that are taught entirely by artificial intelligences . These students are preparing for the General Cer... 77 shares with us a fascinating development b... ...fascinating development by NVIDIA, a graphics and artificial intelligence company.Let's say that you're in a long virtual m... cats at Austin Pets Alive have some imaginative names, but they have nothing on cats with AI-generated names! Janelle Shane (previously at Neatorama) has trained a neural network to name cats. This is her second atte..., here's something to suck up your entire week... online algorithm generate an image for you via artificial intelligence ! Cris Valenzuela's online text-to-image generator... a song is mixed and any master tapes of indiv... un-mixing the music, right? Not so fast. A new artificial intelligence project from MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) can extract and isolate indivi... Barrat is testing the limits of machine lea... adversarial networks are defined as a class of artificial intelligence algorithms used in unsupervised machine learning,... Shane (previously at Neatorama) programs neural networks to study machine learning. She's taught algorithms to name Pokemón, Star Wars characters, and fish. The generated fish names were pretty much indist... upon a time, we did things ourselves. Then we... ...ram computers, much less design software or build artificial intelligence algorithms. Still, making machine smarter and sma... tech blog Slashdot is celebrating it's 20th an... ...of these headlines, and you'll be convinced that artificial intelligence has our number and can't wait to take over. But a... who are trying to automate our work have a p... ...our work have a problem. They can develop all the artificial intelligence they want to, but what they really need in order... ...need in order to take over our jobs is to develop artificial patience and/or artificial de...