In which Jhall and Andrew Bridgman at Dorkly explain why Darth gave up his entire reason for turning to the dark side. -via Geeks Are Sexy...
The Biggest Plot Hole In the Star Wars Prequels...
In Defense of Anakin Skywalker, the Most Unjustly Maligned Star Wars Character
The original Star Wars trilogy established Darth V... ...heir opinions into memes: the prequels were lame, Anakin was a whiner (as if Luke and Ben Solo aren't -it... ...from the emotional and needy young man we called Anakin . And, yes: like that iconic Mean Girls characte... ...And, yes: like that iconic M...
Darth Vader Mask Fail...
After Obi-Wan left the mortality wounded Anakin Skywalker on Mustafar, he was rescued and fitted with new l... ...d Darth Vader was left to use his original voice? Anakin 's voice was as clueless and whiny as he was. [h...
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