This little fluffy monkey was recently discovered... ...ttle fluffy monkey was recently discovered in the Amazon back in 2010, but there's more than one reason to... Icon Group, publisher of past runaway bestsell... ...r storyteller Philip M. Parker, Ph.D.According to Amazon .com reviewer George Takei (yes, that George Takei... ...m, huh.Stephen Wilson agrees:I picked this up off Amazon with little or no knowledge of the Chinese situat... for the bargain basement price of $131,299,998.69... elevators at the headquarters of Amazon Japan look fun to ride, but you'll regret using t... meter freestyle swimming in a nice,... ...ute, Summer Olympics! REAL men swim at the brutal Amazon Olympics, where surviving the event its... ...Loretoyaco river, a tributary of the Amazon . Waiting for her 100m freestyle race,... moms fret in worry when they don't hear from their children in a while, but 25-year-old Garrett Hand's mom really takes it to a whole 'nother level. She got the Peruvian government to start a man... things happen at retail outlets in the rush of the Christmas season, but when it happens at the biggest shopping outlet on the internet, you can bet someone will spot it and spread it around. If you think the pic... makes a rainforest? Millions of things, livin... ...and fauna that rely on it.When you mess with the Amazon rainforest you mess with a lot of things —... ...res of thriving, sprawling biology that cover the Amazon help drive the very metabolism of a continent. An... ...least partly responsible for... Juliano Tupan discover... discovered a rare species of wee animal in the Amazon that looks quite happy to see him.... link) Online shopping really grew with... ...ith Express Delivery, then Next Day Delivery. Now Amazon is working out plans to unveil same-day delivery...