There are football fans, and there are Jeopardy! f... ...metimes there is an overlap, but not on this day. Alex Trebek did not hesitate to scorn these nerds about their...! is generally known for being the most pr... ...roper of all game shows, with the ever stoic host Alex Trebek keeping the show on course.But sometimes contesta... ...aking moves so funny and bold they manage to make Trebek crack a smile.(YouTube Link)But the funniest mome... credit: Flickr user Shawn Smith)The long-ru... his Southern California home, the 44-year-old Alex Trebek was on a roll. Trebek was an industry veteran. For years, he’d w... ...t was being updated for a new generation. And as Trebek had quickly learned, J... for a little inspiration for your Halloween costume? If you love TV shows, this list by UProxx is a great place to start planning for this year. There are even plenty of great costumes for kiddos and a few puns f...