According to the CDC, one in six A... ....] The CDC report noted that half of all alcohol consumed in the U.S. is consumed duri... Frenchman and an Irishman went into a bar in New... ...he river boat on the Opawa River, Blenheim, drank alcohol and took photos of each other having a great time... doesn't take a lot of talent or imagination to come up with a new cocktail, especially if you like to sip on the strong stuff on a regular basis. Drinkers know what tastes good, what goes well together, and how to mak... folks over at ComicsAlliance have come up with a fun way to celebrate the coming of 2012-superhero inspired cocktails! So, if you're looking for ways to spice up your New Years party, check out these delicious soundi... link) A lonely cosmonaut has a very strange New Year celebration in this holiday animation by Anton Korolyuk and Artem Bizyaev. -via the Presurfer... you live for celebrity food and beverage lines, then you'll love Mental Floss's list of 10 Celebrity Refreshments. Personally, I'd like to mix some of The Situation's Devotion vodka mixed with some of Rush Limb... double barreled contraption can either be loads of fun, say if you fill it with punch or soda for a kid's birthday party, or you can fill the chambers with booze and prepare for your house to become a vomitorium....'ve almost certainly heard of the terror stories circulating about teen girls using vodka soaked tampons to get drunk. As it turns out though, this big news story is probably pretty bunk. We know that now thanks to Hu... the tradition of making every food product ever taste like bacon, Rogue has released a beer that's sure to be Homer Simpson approved. Called the Voodoo Doughnut, this ale is bacon maple flavored, and comes... know what you never hear people say? "I really love the taste of whiskey, but I sure wish it didn't get me drunk." Yet, from the annals of incredibly stupid ideas comes ArKay, the O'Douls of whiskey. Link Via...