You can't buy everything at this vegetable stand. To promote Covert Affairs, a new TV show about the CIA, the UK TV network Really hired body paint artist Carolyn Roper to hide models in plain sight in London. You can vi... think about which veggies look like our insides? This clever ad can help...not that you need to think about food anymore after your Thanksgiving feast. Link Via Craftzine Image Via International Vegetarian Un... Link) This start-up proposes to use... surface dust into patterns that could serve as advertisements . I'm skeptical due to the sheer scale of the tas... has a great list article with 10 ads you'd never see today. In it, you'll learn how the World Trade Centers could have been saved by asbestos, why you should wrap your children in cellophane and why docto... Milwaukee "Swedish Bikini Team" In the early 90s, Old Milwaukee decided to compete with the imports by inventing the Old Milwaukee Swedish Bikini Team. The ad features a bunch of guys out fishing and being manly me...