Patch is his name, but everyone calls him Adolf these days. At only seven weeks old, the French b... ...saw it she said ‘You’ve got a little Hitler there’.“Although he’s called Pa... ...ough he’s called Patch, everybody calls him Adolf now.... NBC News)Richard Helms was a US Navy offic... in 1945, he wrote a letter to his young son on Hitler 's personal stationery:“Dear Dennis,”... Tastybread's question, which I've rephras... ..., who might use his canine appeal to get close to Hitler ? Or Animal, who could fly into an Andrew Jackson-... today, Sandi Cracky commented on one of our art-related posts, "This is art. Not like 99% of the garbage neatorama says is 'art." Well, if art is in decline, it's worth the price of averting World War III. No one... Woelk, 95, was one of a dozen women whose j... ...omen whose job was to taste the food prepared for Adolf Hitler to detect poisons. She recently descibed to repor... ...escibed to reporters her life at the Wolf's Lair, Hitler 's headquarters facility in eastern Poland: She s... ....”At the link,... it to the Fuehrer with this novelty pinc... ...e that it comes with the warning "Not endorsed by Hitler the closing days of World War II, Adolf Hitler escaped Berlin and made his way to south Asia. Th... a joke, forgers at the United Kingdom's Spe... ...made this fake German passport in 1941. It lists Hitler as a Jewish painter who has permission to visit P... January, construction workers digging a new... ...und a cache of sculptures that had been banned by Adolf Hitler for being "degenerate". It's uncertain who is re... past January, Timothy Ryback wrote in The Tim... ...hy Ryback wrote in The Times about the books that Adolf Hitler kept in his private library. 1,200 books that he... ...nd of a man by the books that he collects. Among Hitler 's favorites: He ranked Don Quixote, along with... ...eagle, flanked by hi...