Today's Astronomy Picture of the Day is an interactive closeup of Saturn's rings. The image was taken by the Cassini probe in 2017. Now it's been sonified with harp sounds, with the pitch of each ring determined by its s... is a tiny moon of Saturn, one of seven discovered by the Cassini probe as it explores the space around the ringed planet. In this incredible picture taken by the probe, you see Daphnis causing a ripple in the rin...’s neat to see familiar shapes in the clouds, but how awesome would it be to witness a dog in the Aurora Borealis? Astrophotographer John Chumack caught this picture near Fairbanks, Alaska, last month. The leapin... image was selected as the Astronomy Picture of the Day last weekend. It was taken by the Cassini probe in 2006 from the shadow of Saturn. First, the night side of Saturn is seen to be partly lit by light reflected... Rogelio Bernal Andreo... ...splendor. Go on. We'll wait. From APOD : A Dark River of dust seems to... I pay for my bandwidth). Links: APOD | Deep Sky Colors's Astronomy Picture of the Day today is a cosmic cloud called Thor's Helmet, for obvious reasons. Heroically sized even for a Norse god, Thor's Helmet is about 30 light-years across. In fact, the helmet is actually...[caption id="attachment_26443" align="aligncenter" width="464" caption="Photo by Tamas Ladanyi"][/caption] Today's Astronomy Picture of the Day is gorgeous! September 22nd was the Autumn equinox, where we all experi... NASA's always-amazing Astronomy Picture of the Day: Now, as part of the planned upgrade of the International Space Station, an Expedition 18 astronaut has upgraded her own head. The Human Extended Analog Device 900... you haven't been keeping up with Astronomy Picture Of The Day, you're missing out on some awesome images! Today's featured image is a prime example of why I could spend hours staring into the endless night sky. Now if...