Ryan Reynolds Mocks Artisnal Style Ads In Ad For New Company Aviation American Gin

Actor Ryan Reynolds recently became the owner of American Aviation Gin, and to promote his acquisition, he made this ad that pokes fun at the other artisnal style commercials out there.

To create the right effect he used tons of images of nature, camaraderie, hard work, and a whole lot of flowery language including the following two gems.

All of our botanicals are humanely caught, cage-free, and grain-fed.
The reason some people don’t drink gin is that strong juniper taste, so after apologizing to each berry individually, we beat the living hell out of them, creating a smoother more refined finish.

And he ended by reminding us that American Aviation Gin is now owned by a Canadian.

Via Laughing Squid

Photo Credit: Facebook.com/AviationGin

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OK Alex... this time I genuinely don't know how I messed it up... :( I put > quote and then the text following to quote here... I failed. Maybe I don't have to leave a space after the word quote? IDK.... :(
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