Star Wars Cake Wrecks

This post is written by Jen Yates of Cake Wrecks

Nothing brings this geek girl joy quite like a well-executed Star Wars cake. Then again, nothing tickles my fancy the way a Star Wars Wreck does, either. So today, let's double our pleasure (double our fun) by taking a look at a mix of both.

First, everyone's favorite green Jedi Master:

Spectacular this Yoda cake is. Like it I do.

Much like the Force, however, there is a dark side to Yoda cakes:

"I find your lack of a body...disturbing."

Mark Joseph Cakes shows us how to make an amazing R2D2 cake (left), While an unnamed Wreckerator shows us what can be done with a few Sharpies and some painter's tape (right):

This is not the droid you're looking for.

Now, you might think it'd be hard to find a fantastic Darth Vader cake. Not so! You just have to visit the baby shower section:

Best. Shower cake. Ever.

Of course, most Vader cake would make the dark lord proud, what with their lethal amounts of black icing and overall evil appearance:

It's like the visual equivalent of the force choke, huh?
"Come to the dark side, or I'll turn your poop green for a week."

Cake Lava really knows how to make the Death Star look goooood (left), while this other bakery makes it look, well, confused (right):

(Yes, yes. I KNOW this isn't the Death Star. [Although why R2D2 has a smashed penguin on his head is beyond me.])

So remember: There is a RIGHT way to make a Star Wars cake:

(By Mondellis' Bake Shop)

And a very, very, VERY wrong way:


Now go forth, my cake-loving friends, and, of course...

may the horce be with you.

For more professional cakes that went horribly, hilariously wrong, be sure to check out Cake Wrecks the blog and the book.

Previously on Neatorama: Cake Wrecks - Interview with Jen Yates

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