Think Ink Black Roses for Valentines Day
Miss Cakehead has something cooking for Valentines Day. If you’ve seen any of her work before on Neatorama, you would never expect it to have anything to do with red hearts, much less pink hearts. Maybe flowers, but definitely not traditional red roses. No, these roses are black!
As Miss Cakehead does for other holidays, this event will be a one-day pop-up shop in London, England, in collaboration with Kraken Rum, to sell black roses. The shop is called the Think Ink Floral Shop, and roses will be distributed in exchange for a donation to Project Redsand. Have you ever seen a black rose?
The black roses for sale are created by placing dark red roses in vases filled with a Kraken’s ink in place of water. This ink is then transported up the stem, via the xylem, to the leaves and petals turning them black, a scientific process that will also be showcased in the space. For dramatic effect some of the flowers will also be turned black using special floristry dyes.
There are no naturally black flowers - a truly black flower is as mysterious and alluring as a Kraken – with the endangered very dark crimson Turkish Halfeti roses the closest nature can offer. However the bouquets will also feature Calendula Lily Eclips and Queen of the Night Tulips, both darkest purple in colour looking visually black to the human eye.
Kept fresh in pools of black ink, the flowers all come with a miniature bottle of 5cl Kraken Rum, available in the UK from Summer 2014. Currently Kraken Rum is only available in 70cl bottles.
The Think Ink sale is part of a larger campaign called Kraken vs. Cupid, aiming to not only give a more savory feel to Valentines Day, but also encourage support for Project Redsand, which is dedicated to the restoration of the historic Thames Sea Forts. The Think Ink shop will be open Valentines Day, February 14th only, in Kingly Court, just off Carnaby Street in London.
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