Mesmerizing Card Trick Artistry

(Video Link)

Todd Robins and Joe Robins, the filmmakers behind Kuma Films, travel around the world filming people demonstrating incredible skills. While in Singapore, they met performers who can make cards dance in their hands. Watch the magic of these masters of cardistry.

-via Daily of the Day

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The Makeup Transformations of Lucia Pittalis

Makeup artist and painter Lucia Pittalis is a chameleon by the virtue of her own talent in makeup application. The way she looks sans makeup disguise is in the photo above. Her incredible transformations from herself to Hollywood and music icons are in the photos below. Can you imagine her lucky children and relatives who get such fantastic makeup jobs for Halloween? The FBI should hire her to aid them in their witness protection program!

See more of Pittalis' fantastic makeup jobs on Instagram and Facebook. -Via Viral Nova

 Keith Richards

Frank Zappa

 Sylvester Stallone

 Angela Lansbury / Murder, She Wrote

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How To Deliver Sand Like A Boss

My dad taught me while I was very young that there are two ways you can accomplish things. The easy way, or the hard way. He also told me the hard way was often the "right" way. After watching this insane video of how these men transport sand between floors, I realize, what my father taught me was a lie. I am sure it was not his intention, but there is clearly a step in between the easy and the right way that can incorporate both. I only know this because the following video proved it to me.

While this may be a very odd question, have you ever seen anyone transport sand as efficiently? They somehow make this look like a fun job.

(YouTube Link)

Now the real question is, when did Spiderman start hauling sand for a living?

Via Wimp

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This 12-Year Old's Hobby Is Making Incredible Trick Shots with Ping Pong Balls

Many 12-year olds like to spend their free time playing video games. But Mikey has no interest in them. He has a more low-tech hobby: throwing ping pong balls. And he is a master of it!

Mikey throws the balls against hard objects, bouncing them off to land in cups. Sometimes he throws a few balls off several objects and lands all of them right on target.

(Video Link)

As the video progresses, Mikey's shots get more complicated. The final minute is astounding.

-via 22 Words

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Background Ballet Dancer Goes A Little Off The Rails

The one thing about ballet that seems predominant anytime you see it is the consummate professionalism of everyone involved. Usually, it is a well choreographed, well oiled machine. But such is not the case of one background dancer that someone caught on tape during the performance you are about to see.

Seems this person was getting a little into it, and ballet moves was turning into funk moves real quick. It may start slow, but watch the dancers in the back and you will figure out pretty quickly who to keep an eye on.

(YouTube Link)

Just a little back story so it makes more sense. It was a performance for Moscow children, and the background dancers are allowed to get a little more "hip" so the kids don't get bored. How awesome is that?


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How To Make An Emergency Spoon

The sad fact is, you WILL need a spoon one day, and you wont have one. Best case scenario, you just need a spoon for some ice cream or something. Worst case scenario, you need a spoon to save the life of your best friend (not sure how this would happen, but just go with it for a second).

So what do you do when you need a spoon, yet you can only find ten thousand knives (bad reverse Alanis Morissette joke there)? You just make one. You may think you DON'T know how do to make a spoon, but guess what? By the time this video is done, you will, and YouTube User DaveHax shows you just how easy it is. It may not be as cute as a "kitten tackles something" video, but the kitten video cannot save your life during the *impending Ebola outbreak*. This information can.

(YouTube Link)

So how do you feel now knowing you may never feel that struggle for a spoon again? Powerful, right? Me too.

*Please not the impending Ebola outbreak part was a joke. Kind of.


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Amazing Street Artist In Rome Shows Off Skills

For some people, art is an act of extreme patience. Certain master's works can take months and even years to finish. There are some other artists who seem to found ways to streamline the entire process down from Weeks to days, from days to hours, and finally, from hours to minutes.

Take, for example, this street artist in Rome. While it may look like he is starting with a simple rainbow, what he ends up with with will amaze you.

(YouTube Link)

Just speaking from experience, if I were to try and duplicate that, it would take me sixty-three months. Just trying to put it in perspective just how impressive this guy is. 


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How To Make Your Own Amazon Kindle E-Book In Just Hours

Image Credit: netalloy

Everyone these days wants the right to say they are a published author. It is very en vogue in the same way that being a "foodie" is very hip right now. Whilst the truest writers will use that passion to help them fight their way into the industry, some people just want to scream "buy my e-book!" at everyone who walks by them. Seems writers are only in two schools now. Well, this post will appeal to both.

Thankfully, we have a cheat sheet for you that will teach you how to bust out your own E-book on Kindle in just hours. It honestly isn't so much a cheat sheet, as there is nothing nefarious involved, as it is just a handy guide put together for those who want to understand the process of what it might take to get some of their writing out there.

Or you can use it to flood the world with your psuedo-erotic Twilight fan fiction. That call is yours to make.

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Dubstep Dance Battle: Noster VS Eclypse

I have always admired people who can dance really well. There is just a grace and fluidity to good dancers, no matter what genre they dance to. Even in cases like this, where some people may not like the type of music, the dancing makes it enthralling to watch. Like this video.

(YouTube Link)

I also like the fact that whole thing is clearly taking place in a suburban shopping mall. Just proves that those Step Up movies must be steeped in accuracy. Suburbia is a breeding ground for the world's best dancers.

Oh, and anytime someone dressed like a robot does the robot, an angel gets its wings.

Check out Noster's YouTube Page for more awesome dance vids like this one.

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Playing Metal at Inappropriate Moments

When you think of "metal" music, you imagine it playing in some crowded arena or pumping into someone's headphones while they work out. What you don't imagine is someone shredding amazing riffs while getting some dental work done, or tearing it up in the shower. What you don't expect is the following...

Presenting, playing metal at inappropriate moments, by YouTube user Rob Scallon.

(YouTube Link)

The guy can shred, and somehow, his riffage comes across as even more intense while bellowing through a quiet library.

Via Wimp

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Lindy Hoppers vs. Street Dancers

(YouTube link)

Here’s a dance battle with a difference! The Lindy hoppers on the left show off their street dance moves, and the street dancers on the right give their best shot at swing dance. You have to give both teams credit for stepping out of their normal genre, although both have a tendency to revert to familiar steps at times. Overall, I’d give more style points to the street dancers in the crossover. Then about halfway through the video, both teams go back to the music and dance style they do best, which is not as funny, but is much more impressive. A good time was had by all. This happened at the Montreal Swing Riot 2014 competition in July. -via Daily Picks and Flicks   

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Death-Defying Mountain Biking

YouTube Link

Danny MacAskill (previously) is a Scottish athlete from Dunvegan on the Isle of Skye. MacAskill is a professional trials cyclist, which Wikipedia defines as the following:

"Trials riding is an extreme test of bicycle handling skills, over all kinds of obstacles, both natural and man-made. It now has a strong – though small – following worldwide, though it is still primarily a European sport. Skills taken from trials riding can be used practically on any bicycle for balance, for example controlled braking and track standing, or balancing on the bike without putting a foot down. Competition trial bikes are characterized by powerful brakes, wide handlebars, lightweight parts, single-speed low gearing, low tire pressures with a thick rear tire, distinctive frame geometry, and usually no seat."

Now, if all of that adds up to "a sport in which insane people use bikes to traverse mountain paths where most wouldn't dare set foot" then it's right on target. This video shows MacAskill using his bike to make amazing moves and jumps as he weaves in and out on a winding trail at death-defying heights. This man has as much courage (or crazy) as he has athletic prowess.

-Via Geekologie

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The Mercurotti

(YouTube link)

Marc Martel sings "Nessun Dorma" while doing his Luciano Pavarotti impression, then switches to singing the song as Freddie Mercury! This was done in one continuous take with two cameras, except for the last part where the two characters sing together; that required an overdub. The impressions are accented by his unique shave. I think he did a lovely job, don’t you? Martel calls the one-man duet The Mercurotti. -via Viral Viral Videos

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Incredible OSU Marching Band Halftime Show: Wizard of Oz

YouTube Link

Even those who aren't particularly fans of marching bands will likely appreciate this excellent Wizard of Oz tribute performed by the Ohio State University Marching Band for the September 27 Buckeyes vs. Cincinnati halftime show. While playing a medley of music from the film, the band rapidly switches formations to create the shapes of Dorothy, Toto, the twister, the Wicked Witch of the West and more. Definitely worth a few minutes of your time. Via Viral Viral Videos.

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The Best Piece of Street Art You Will See Today

ArtistCredit: JPS

Sometimes, a picture just speaks for itself. I feel like I could sit here and tell you all about a thousand reasons why the above example works so well, but the people who will love it will love it right away, and the people who don't get it, wont get it no matter what I say.

So rather, I will just tell you this is a piece of street art from London street artist JPS, and his work is some of the best and funniest stuff out there right now. While many street artists like Banksy and Shepard Fairy make a lot of statements about society and politics through their art, often, JPS' work will muster a laugh first, which is nice.

After all, it's not that serioius.

It's just life.

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