Black Dog

(YouTube link)

These people will most likely never meet each other, but they play together on YouTube, thanks to the editing skills of kutiman, and thanks to Led Zeppelin's awesome song. There's a list of links to the source videos at the YouTube page. -via Everlasting Blort  

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New T-Shirts from the NeatoShop:

Amazing Anamorphic Illusions


Brusspup makes these two-dimensional artworks that are 3D illusions when viewed at just the right angle. Bonus: cat. -via Daily Picks and Flicks

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Rockin' Out with Spoons

All this dude needs to rock are a pair of spoons. Check him out playin' the spoons and rockin' out to Insomnia by Faithless: Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - via Metafilter

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Bangarang A Cappella

(YouTube link)

The Durch choir Dario Fo perform he Skrillex tune "Bangarang." If you're familiar with the song, you may find it astonishing that a choir can recreate the song a cappella at all. They do, and do it well.

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Illusion of Choice

(YouTube link)

Marquese Scott (Nonstop) and his crew, Dragon House, demonstrate mad skills in the backyard. -via Daily Picks and Flicks

Previously: more of Nonstop's danced videos.

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(YouTube link)

ZIC ZAZOU is a group of nine musicians who play shop tools, toys, furniture, bottles and homemade instruments. They play them really well, too! This is Bizet's "Habanera" from the opera Carmen. Much more melodic than basketballs! -via Metafilter

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Amazing Tricks Poland

(YouTube link)

Soccer ART is a "professional freestyle football group" that takes the definition of juggling and stretches it to the limit. talk about mad skills! -via Buzzfeed

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Fire Tuba

While waiting for the bus in London, YouTube user FakieLeatherman came upon a tuba player being asked (harrassed?) to "just blow the bastard" by a passer-by. So, the busker complied ... in style!

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The Athlete Machine

(YouTube link)

Red Bull has produced another human-powered Rube Goldberg contraption (see the first one here), this time using professional athletes of all kinds. Find out all about them, and about the project, at the project site. Link -via Laughing Squid

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How to Skin a Cucumber

That's not how you cut a cucumber. THIS is how you cut a cucumber! Chef Hiro Terada of NoVe Kitchen and Bar in Miami, Florida, shows us how to skin cucumber into a flat piece of paper. (At 2:25 mark)

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How to Tie Your Shoelaces FAST!

Still making your shoe laces into "bunny ears" to tie your shoes? How slow and inefficient! Here's how the fastest shoelace tier in the world does it. Now, go forth and enjoy the extra 5 seconds you earn every morning tying your shoelaces.

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How to Draw a Dotted Line

Think you can draw dotted lines? See if you can do it the way Professor Walter Lewins of Massachusetts Institute of Technology does it!

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Roger Whittaker Whistles a Little Tune

Everybody in the world can whistle, right? Well, not like Roger Whittaker, you can't! Watch this clip of the Anglo-Kenyan singer-songwriter and musician whistle a little tune called the Finnish Whistler. He must've swallowed a flute as a young man.

Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - via Arbroath

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A New Spin on Teh Tarik

In Teh tarik ("pulled tea"), black tea and milk are mixed not with a spoon, but with showmanship. Take a look at this man doing teh tarik in Chatuchak Weekend Market in Bangkok, Thailand.

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I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Turkish Ice Cream

I scream, you scream, we all scream in great delight for a little Turkish ice cream this guy is selling! They certainly don't sell ice cream like this at 31 Flavors!

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