Amazing Norwegian Kicker Can Put a Football Anywhere He Wants

(Video Link)

Thanks to this viral video, Norwegian football player Havard Rugland has been offered the chance to tryout with the New York Jets:

The video shows the 27-year-old performing some outrageous tricks and kicks, from nailing 60-yard field goals to soccer-style scissor kicks and volleys with American footballs. [...]

Rugland has no prior American football experience but kicking coach Michael Husted says that if he continues to develop, he could reach the NFL.

"Havard has incredible talent as a kicker," Husted, who played nine seasons as an NFL kicker, told the Seattle Post-Intelligencer newspaper. "He has a cannon for a leg. As he continues to refine his technique, he could be one of the strongest kickers in the NFL."

I can believe it--especially after watching his last kick in the video. Is that real? I mean, can a human being actually do that intentionally?

Link -via VA Viper

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Pogo Mix: Remixing Reality, Movies, and Shows

[Youtube Link]

Nick Bertke, more widely known as Pogo, is the type of skilled person who can visit a country, record people talking and living life, and then turn those recordings into a song. In the video above, he made a song out of his trip to Bhutan. Some of his songs and videos are amusing, while others are enlightening. His remixes for countries and cities are a great way to open people up to other cultures. For instance, I never thought about Bhutan before this video, but now I would love to visit and learn more. To learn more about his videos and what he does, you can visit his website and watch the video on his homepage.

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Andy Lewis

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Andy Lewis is a highliner and a trickliner, and a master slack liner. Don't know what those things mean? Then watch what he did in 2012. -via Breakfast Links

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AZO’s Stunt Reel

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Aung Zaw Oo is the closest thing you're going to see to a real live ninja. However, he makes his living as an animator. -via Daily of the Day

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Imitating A Xylophone

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Not only can he play tunes with his mouth, but he built a device to make it easier! Too bad the gentleman's name and the year of this video are not available. -via the Presurfer

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How to Light a Cigarette with a Hammer

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This blacksmith doesn't need a lighter. Watch him heat a metal rod by hammering it, then lighting his cigarette with it.

-via Yababoon 

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Pistorius Races Horse in Qatar

(YouTube link)

When I first heard about this, I imagined South African runner Oscar Pistorius doing the Viggo Mortensen role in the movie Hidalgo. But no, he wasn't on the horse, he raced against the horse! The stunt was to promote the “Definitely Able” campaign, which showcases the abilities of disabled athletes. You may recall that Pistorius was the first double-leg-amputee to run track in the Olympics as well as the Paralympics. And the race in Qatar? It wasn't even close. Watch to see who won. -via Daily of the Day

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Amazing Basketball Player Has Only One Hand

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16-year old Zach Hodskins of Milton High School in northeastern Georgia was born with only one hand. But he's so good that have to watch carefully to even notice.

-via Daily of the Day

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Woman Can Write in Two Different Languages at the Same Time

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It's hard enough to write with both hands at the same time. But Chen Siyuan of Handan, China can do even more: she can simultaneously write Chinese with one hand and English with the other hand.

Link (warning: auto-sound) -via Marginal Revolution

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The Most Bowling Strikes Scored in One Minute

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Last year, in Gainesville, Florida, Chad McLean bowled nine strikes in one minute, clinching a Guinness World Record. He didn't score a strike on all of his throws, but he did on most of them.

-via Yababoon

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The Stanley Steemer Variations

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Mia Gentile is both talented and versatile, as she shows in this Stanley Steemer jingle video. The product comes in all genres -at least one of them will make you want to get your carpet cleaned! They gotta hire her. -via Daily of the Day

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Little Fear

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His name is Christian Bottger, but the Tampa Bay Buccaneers call him "Little Fear." The 10-year-old performed with the cheerleaders in front of a packed crowd and did the Dougie flawlessly. Little Fear has no fear! -via Daily Picks and Flicks

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Yellow Scream

[Update 12/22/12: Video removed due to copyright claim by artist]

Yellow Scream is a half-hour documentary about painting screams with yellow paint, by Korean artist/comic Kim Beom. Here is what information we get from the YouTube page:

"The technique to this painting is to incorporate the sound of screams into the brush strokes," states the narrator in Kim Beom's video Yellow Scream (2012). "A brush stroke done with screaming is very different from a normal one. ... The effect of the screams is recorded with the brush strokes." He then dips his brush in a dab of lemon yellow paint, leans into the canvas, and lets out an anguished wail as he makes his first stroke: "Aaaaaaaaagh!"

Inspired by Bob Ross--style instructional television programs, the Seoul-based artist says "the theme of this video is the existential nature of contemporary art (and culture) as well as of artists." Characteristic of Beom's deadpan humor, the narrator's demonstration shows how to apply paint while engaged in "a long scream that sounds like when you're hurt"; "a scream induced by psychological pain"; and "a more pained, wronged, and regretful scream." Nearing the painting's completion, he advises, "Let's mix a bit of permanent green and add some refreshing hope and pleasure to the screams of joy." The final work, the instructor states, achieves a symphonic melding of color and emotion--a "clear, resonating chorus" of yellow.

I saw this yesterday and laughed, but was reluctant to post a half-hour video. Still, so you might find time to watch the whole thing some day. Thanks to Scott Lamb for this shorter edit. Continue reading for the full-length version. -via Buzzfeed

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French Ball Handling

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He's a street performer, a juggler, an acrobat, and a stripper! Actually, it's French freestyle footballer Iya Traore practicing his skills, and yes, showing off for the crowd. -via Cynical-C

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Man Pulls Truck with His Ear

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And who can blame him? The last time I needed a tow, I had to pay $70! It's outrageous. But Lasha Pataraya, a strongman from the nation of Georgia, was towing the truck attached to his ear for competitive rather than practical purposes.

Depending on the news source you read, the truck was either 8 tons (16,000 pounds) or 8 tonnes (17,637 pounds). Either way, that's a lot of weight to haul on your ear 70 feet.

-via Dave Barry

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