How To Sort Cases of Beer

Well, those crates of beer aren't going to sort themselves, will they? That's why this group of Romanian warehouse workers sort cases of empty beer bottles for recycling LIKE A BOSS!

Hit play or go to Link [YouTube]

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Cups and Balls with Yann Frisch

Blink and you'll miss it! French magician Yann Frisch shows us how much fun (or rather, frustration) that one can have with cups and balls.

Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - Thanks Marge!

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Precision Walking

There's walking and then there's precision walking. And it's a sport of sorts in Japan, complete with Precision Walking Competition (previously on Neatorama). There can only be one explanation: they're bots.

Hit play or go to Link [YouTube]

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Guinness World Record for Tightest Parallel Parking

Think you can parallel park? Not like this, you can't!

Apparently, the world record for tightest parallel parking is highly competitive. In the past two years, the record has changed hands several times. At first, the title belonged to New Zealand stuntman Peter Bell, which parked his car in a space only 27 cm (10.63 inch) longer than the length of the car.

In August 2011, the record was smashed by German stunt driver Ronny "C-Rock" Wechselberger, who beat Bell's record by one centimeter:

Twenty six centimeter (10.24 inch) turned out to be too long, because Patrick Folco beat it by a full two centimeters. Then, Zhang Hua upped (or is it lowered?) the bar at 24 cm (9.45 inch):

Not to be outdone, Chinese master wheelman Han Yue managed to set a new Guinness World Record by shaving an incredible 7 cm from the record. As it currently stands, the Guinness World Record for Tightest Parallel Parking is an astonishing 15 cm (5.91 inches) longer than the car.

Check it out:

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Trombone Alpine Skiing

(YouTube link)

Sean Pawling figured skiing was just too easy, so he took his trombone along on a downhill run at Lake Tahoe. If you were going to shuss down a mountain while playing music, what song would you play? Yep, that's right. -via Arbroath

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Amazing Basketball Shot Wins Eighth Grader Instant Fans

(YouTube Link

Eighth grader Matt DeMember made an unbelievable shot that just beat the buzzer in a youth basketball game at Greenridge Baptist Church in Maryland. Not only did he get a great reaction from the crowd, but later ESPN tweeted the video. It's a kid's dream come true!

-via HuffPost Sports

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Floor Show at Tim Horton's

(YouTube link)

What a treat -to be at your local doughnut shop and suddenly a group of talented elderly men break into song! Recorded in Oakville, Ontario, the group is believed to be The Entertainers.  -via Daily Picks and Flicks

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Extreme Basketball

(YouTube link)

Behold the acrobatic basketball of Faceteam, a freestyle basketball troupe from Hungary, highlighted properly in a video from Devin Supertramp. Don't try this at home. -via Viral Viral Videos

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World's Best Sign Flipper

(YouTube link)

His job is to grab attention, and he's a master at it! Nonstop (Marquese Scott) collaborated with this sign flipper to bring us a video celebrating their mad skills. -via Holy Kaw!

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Highline Walk by the Light of the Moon

(Vimeo Link

This stunning video by filmmaker Bryan Smith shows the full moon's majestic rise behind free climber Dean Potter as he walks a highline at Cathedral Peak in Yosemite National Park.

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Tummy Talk: An Epic Drum Solo

(YouTube link)

We've seen videos labeled "human beatbox" before, but usually those are people slapping themselves around -not another guy! Still, these percussionists lay down some pretty good beats. -via Daily of the Day

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Lars Andersen: Fastest Archer

[Youtube Link]

Lars Anderson, a Danish archer, utilizes a historical technique that allows him to shoot much faster than characters in movies and other fast archers. The video is basically an overview of his skills, but the problem with this video is that the comparisons may not be completely fair. Fortunately, he has other videos that do a great job portraying his skills, like his 'World Record: 11 Arrows Shot Into the Air Before the First Arrow Reaches the Ground video.'


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Bodies in Urban Spaces: The Human Sculpture Tour

Though this performance happened two years ago, it's still extremely interesting to look at. Choreographed by Willi Dorner, "Bodies in Urban Space" consisted of multiple performers finding spaces throughout the Financial District in lower Manhattan to fit into and fill in. The Wall Street Journal has many more pictures.

Link via Absolutely Madness | Photographer: Bryan Derballa for The Wall Street Journal

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The Best Pickpocket in the World

Photo: Martin Schoeller

The first time magician Penn Jillette of Penn and Teller met Apollo Robbins, he was unimpressed. After all, pickpocket acts are a dime-a-dozen and Jillette already knew all their tricks.

“Come on,” Jillette said. “Steal something from me.”

Again, Robbins begged off, but he offered to do a trick instead. He instructed Jillette to place a ring that he was wearing on a piece of paper and trace its outline with a pen. By now, a small crowd had gathered. Jillette removed his ring, put it down on the paper, unclipped a pen from his shirt, and leaned forward, preparing to draw. After a moment, he froze and looked up. His face was pale.

“F***. You,” he said, and slumped into a chair.

And so began the fascinating life story of Apollo Robbins, one of the world's best pickpockets, as told by Adam Green in this article over at The New Yorker: Link - and then head on over to YouTube to see him in action.

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In 20 Minutes, Man Eats Denny's entire Hobbit-Themed Menu

[Youtube Link]

That's about about 156 ounces (9.75 pounds) of food and drink and 8610 calories! As part of a food challenge, Jamie McDonald ate and drank all ten items listed on the Hobbit menu in 20 minutes with no breaks. Heck, it would have taken me 20 minutes just to eat that huge Ring Burger. 

Via Geekologie

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