Why Trust Is Worth It

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Ze Frank explains the nature of trust over a demonstration by Alya Titarenko and Gael Ouisse of Cirque Du Soleil. You can’t do what they do (even if you had the strength and grace to do it) without complete trust in each other, and in each other’s strength and grace. Trust of any kind is difficult to achieve, especially after you’ve been disappointed. But when you find someone you can rest your trust on, like resting your tush on a sturdy chair, you can relax and focus on other things. -via Digg  

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Extreme Ice Skating

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In the winter, extreme skaters trade in their rollerblades for just blades. It’s as easy as covering a concrete skate park with a layer of freezing water! Well, easy of these ice cross skaters, not for you or me. Sooner or later, this will be another new sport added to the winter Olympics so Americans can win more medals. -via Viral Viral Videos

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Super Mario Theme on Ancient Instrument

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The Chinese Sheng is a musical instrument that resembles a cross between a clarinet and a pipe organ. It dates back at least three thousand years. Here, musician Li Jin Li performs the Super Marios Bros. theme on a Sheng, complete with sound effects. -via Tastefully Offensive

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Human Loop the Loop with Damien Walters

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We've seen Sonic the Hedgehog run loops in his video game. We've done it ourselves with Hot Wheels cars when we were kids, and not so long ago, a real car did a loop-the-loop. But can a human on foot ever get up the speed to do it?

In this video, freerunner and stuntman Damien Walters (previously at Neatorama) manages to run a loop-the-loop on foot. Is this even possible? Only if you are Damien Walters, so don’t try this at home. You’ll just hurt yourself. It's a Pepsi ad, which naturally sparked jokes about the role of caffeine in the stunt. -via Viral Viral Videos

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Thunderstruck by 2CELLOS

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It’s gotten to the point that when I see two guys with cellos, I know it’s going to be some outrageous rock ’n’ roll. These guys are Croatian cellists Luka Sulic and Stjepan Hauser, together known as 2CELLOS. There are clearly more than two cellos in this recording (see comments), but no doubt just the two cellists. Their version of AC/DC’s  "Thunderstruck" is available at iTunes. You can also see them perform some AC/DC live in the videos "YouShook Me (All Night Long)" and "Highway to Hell."  -via Viral Viral Videos

Previously: More music from 2CELLOS.

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Alphabet Insanity

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Mac Lethal devotes a verse of this rap to each letter of the alphabet in order. It’s mostly nonsensical, but it’s amazing that he can do it -and it gets faster and faster as it goes! He admits that it took 67 takes to get through it. I bet his tongue is twisted into knots by the time the recording session his over. Some lyrics may be NSFW. -via Viral Viral Videos

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How to Pick Up a Coin using a Forklift

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Can you scoop a coin off the floor with a fork lift? This guy can! And if you think that was impressive, watch what he did next ... Forklifts don't come to mind when most people think about precision machinery, but in the right hands, they sure can be!

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Highlining Between Hot Air Balloons

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The Skyliners are a group of “flying Frenchies” who participate in highlining, basejumping, mountainering, and other utterly dangerous pursuits to get that adrenaline fix. Filmmaker Seb Montaz dreamed up a stunt for them like no other. Balloonists from Globus Kontiki took them up in two hot air balloons and the thrill-seekers strung a highline between the two -and then went out on it like it's just another tightrope walk. Will they make it from one balloon to the other? Watch and see. Yes, they are wearing parachutes. I couldn’t stand to watch otherwise. -via Laughing Squid

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Mother-Son Wedding Dance

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Kathy Bunker danced at her son’s wedding -like a boss. That’s the way to make a new bride feel inadequate! But it’s not like she didn’t know what she was getting into: the family owns a dance studio. Skip to the one-minute mark to see the real action. (via Daily Picks and Flicks)

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The Way Table Tennis Should Be Played

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Chuang Chih-Yuan and Jean-Michel Saive play table tennis like they’re the Harlem Globetrotters or something. Saive is all over the place, like a wrecking ball. At one point, they “turn the tables” so to speak, and the line judge has to duck down to keep from being hit! She gets back at them, by putting a second ball in play. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

What you see here are highlights from their exhibition match at the 2014 Tai Ben Invitational earlier this month in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. The full match is nearly an hour long and can be seen here. -via Metafilter

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Motorcyclist Lays His Head on the Track During High Speed Turn

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Racing bike riders may occasionally drag their knees on the pavement while turning at high speeds. But this daring rider appears to deliberately lay his head on the track.

Charles Darwin, call your office!

-via Geekologie

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The Unipiper Visits Jimmy Kimmel

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I don't know why it took so long for Jimmy Kimmel to discover the Unipiper. We've been following him for years. But now your stay-up-late-and-watch-TV relatives know about him, too! Bonus: look for Storm Troopers in the audience. -via Tastefully Offensive

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How to Open a Wine Bottle with a Shoe

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"Have you ever been in this position: really nice bottle of wine, no corkscrew?" A representative of Mirabeau Wine, a winemaker in southern France, asks this question. Then he shows an ingenious solution to the problem.

I took a different approach. When my corkscrew shredded the cork instead of gripping it, I used my electric drill and largest bit (1/4 inch) to drive a hole through the cork. Of course, this left a lot of cork bits in the wine. So I filtered the wine through the basket of my coffeemaker, thus removing the cork.

The wine tasted terrible anyway.

Richard Gray of the Daily Telegraph describes Mirabeau's technique as a "disarmingly simple way of taking the cork out of a bottle without a corkscrew that will become your new party trick this year." I predict many broken bottles and a lot of spilled wine.

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Lighting a Cigarette Russian Style

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You've got to really trust the guy in the excavator to just sit there and let him bring the bucket that close -especially when it's carrying fire! But the whole crew knows how good the operator is, and this gives him an opportunity to show off to the world. -via Daily Picks and Flicks

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Amazing Driver Balances on 2 Wheels

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The stunt driver in this car has nerves of steel and a steady hand. Watch him take his car from a dead stop to driving in circles all while doing a side wheelie. Joey White of Twenty-Two Words writes, "I’m pretty sure this skill set has no practical purpose, but I’m impressed." 

On the contary! He can fit inside very narrow parking spaces. And as we saw in The Dukes of Hazzard, a documentary about life in the South during the 80s, side wheelies could help honest citizens escape from tight spots with the law.

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