Salut Salon

(YouTube link)

We always like a little comedy with our classical music (see here and here and here). The German quartet  Salut Salon gives us just that, with a performance in which every player tries to one-up the next to a ridiculous degree. They don’t drop a note anywhere along the way, as they play Antonio Vivaldi's "Summer" upside-down and backwards. All through this, I was waiting for someone to get poked in the eye with a bow, a la The Three Stooges. This is just a tad more civilized than that! -via Viral Viral Videos

These guys (gals!) are wonderful to see live. Had the good fortune to see them in Vienna a couple of years ago, and it was one of the most enjoyable performances I've ever seen - by any genre of musicians. They are not only incredible performers, but they seem to be having so much fun it's reality infectious. They kept the audience in alternating stitches and rapt attention all evening, and the ovation at the end of their performance nearly brought the roof down on us. Wonderful memories!
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