You know the name Eadweard Muybridge as the man wh... ...gadget called a zoopraxiscope, a relative of the zoetrope . The motion studies were made using both photogra...[](Video...](Video Link)When activated, this zoetrope at the Phillip Island Chocolate Factory in Melbou... Martin, maker of steampunk and Victorian-them... ...ictorian-themed headgear, has the most impressive zoetrope hat I've ever seen, as well as the only one. He w... ...generation in moving picture technology after the zoetrope . It features six mirrored surfaces reflecting six... .... Click on Continue re... thought movies were less than a couple hundred... ...less than a couple hundred years old. Of course, zoetropes and other such optical toys go back hundreds of y... ...ded on persistence of vision, just like the later zoetropes told you about how Eadweard Muybridge came... ...nown as the Thaumatrope, the Phenakistoscope, the Zoetrope , the Praxinoscope, and more. Richard Balzer, a co...[] (vimeo link) Last ye... ...ndre DUBOSC gave us Alimation, a video of various zoetropes made of food. His latest project is a zoetrope made of a chocolate cake decorated in a Tim Burto... Salmone made this .gif after building a... ...rew Salmone made this .gif after building a pizza zoetrope . He shaped pepper slices to look like individual... Link) As part of her dissertation proj... animation in realtime." You can see from the zoetropes that she made with bicycle wheels that it definit... you've ever wanted to make your own animati... ...ur own animation without the use of a computer, a zoetrope is a good way to go. And using Legos to make it i... Link) Parisian photographer Alexandre Du... ...hat is reminiscent of the stop motion action of a zoetrope . Via Colossal