What Is It? game 312
It's Thursday, so you know what it means, Neatoramanauts: it's time for the What Is It? Game, brought to you by the always amusing What Is It? Blog.
What is this thing in the pictures? Your guess is as good as mine! No, yours is better, because your guess can win you a free T-shirt of your choice from the NeatoShop! Here's how to play:
Place your guess in the comment section below. One guess per comment, but you can enter as many guesses as you'd like in separate comments. Post no URLs or weblinks.
You might know what this item is, but if you want to win a t-shirt, you'll have to use your imagination, because we are going to select two winners who give us the funniest incorrect guesses. If you guess right, then good for ya - but you don't win anything, mmkay? So, it's up to you, funny people: you have twice the chance of winning that T-shirt now.
Please write your T-shirt selection alongside your guess. If you don't include a selection, you forfeit the prize. We highly suggest you take a look at the NeatoShop's new selection of Funny T-shirts and Science T-Shirts.
Visit the What Is It? Blog to see an addition picture. Then make your funniest guess!
Update: the mystery item is a dock worker's tool for moving burlap wrapped bales. That’s neat, but you had even neater made-up answers! Happycrab had a good one: “Oh come on! This one's too easy - everyone knows it's a spoon for Klingon gagh. You need the spines to keep it from wriggling off.” Unfortunately, happycrab did not specify a t-shirt. Bo Culjan said it was “a reverse-shoehorn - a tool for yanking your heel out of that shoe you put on with a shoehorn.” That wins him a t-shirt from the NeatoShop! See the answers to all the items of the week at the What Is It? blog.
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Comments (26)
Clown Box 2XL
Made in America with Irish Parts 2X
oz. & lbs. rule!
counting an exact number of atoms is better.
I am pretty sure your military uses the metric system and they are as "good American" as you can get!
As for the kilogram standard... I am in favor of anything that removes this from the custody of the French. There is no telling when they might get invaded again and lose control of the kg prototype, Think what could happen if that were to fall into the hands of the wrong people! Now who is going to invade Australia? The New Zealanders? not likely...