When Zoos Get Into A Brutally Adorable Cute Animal Tweet Off Battle We All Win

Twitter has become one of the most annoyingly political, and volatile, social media platforms since the 2016 election, and most people I know happily ditched Twitter and never looked back.

But if there's one thing Twitter is good for it's advertising and promotion, and if there's one thing that could bring people back to Twitter it's pictures of cute animals.

So when the National Zoo tweeted a pic of an adorable gray seal pup other zoos saw it as a challenge, so they started a cute animal tweet off battle with the hashtag #challengeaccepted.

Soon the Bronx Zoo, Zoo Atlanta, Virginia Aquarium, Zoo Miami and the Philadelphia Zoo started battling it out by tweeting their most adorable critter pics, at which point people must have started coming back to Twitter in droves!

See Zoos Get Into Brutal #CuteAnimalTweetOff Battle, And It's Exactly What The Internet Needed here

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