Artist Arms Her Chameleon After Noticing She'll Hold Anything You Give Her

Artist Emma Ward was playing around with her chameleon Olive one day when she discovered Olive would hang on tight to anything placed in her hands, which made for perfect lizard photo ops.

So Emma grabbed every tiny weapon she could find and armed her scaly friend Olive, shooting pics of her silly little warrior to share online.

Emma's battle lizard chronicles inspired another pet owner to share pics of his sugar glider holding stuff too, which made them look tougher than any sugar glider has ever looked.

The darling little sugar glider is still cute, but also very, very tough with that massive warhammer in his hands, as if he's saying "come at me, sis!" to the chameleon that started it all, Olive the Omnipotent.

-Via Bored Panda

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