Who’s a Good Dog?
Did you notice a theme developing in our feature banner at the top of the blog this week? We had dogs with degrees, research on dogs barking, Marilyn Monroe’s dogs, and even corn dogs. And now that we’ve made it to the end of Dog Week at Neatorama, it’s time for something just plain silly. We are going to examine the phenomena of The Good Dog. Who’s a good dog? We ask our dogs that all the time, and them, being dogs, just have no idea.
Maybe it’s not fair to pose such a difficult question. The Pain Train shows how confusing it may be, and all a poor dog can do is take a wild guess.
The dog doesn’t know the answer. And because you’re asking, maybe you don’t know the answer, either.
Cyanide & Happiness just flat out answered the question for the dog, although not in the way that the poor puppy would want.
Some dogs don’t want to be good, according to Pictures in Boxes.
But even if you answered and told your dog that yes, he’s a good dog, that can still be confusing. Don't call her a good boy if she's a girl. If you're not sure, "good dog" will do.
If a dog really wants to find out who’s a good dog, he can use this handy flow chart from College Humor.
This adorable dog at Three Panel Soul is pondering that question deeply. He didn’t realize it was a question that could ever be answered.
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal delves into the philosophical mind behind your dogs inscrutable face. This one appears to be a nihilist.
Why do we confuse dogs with difficult questions? They are good dogs, and don’t deserve such headaches.
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"Most people will tell you their dog is the best dog. They're probably right, I know I was."