Dogs vs. Physics

Dogs are so happy to fetch a stick. They are happy to find a stick, especially if they know it will impress their alpha, the guy who throws sticks. And the average dog is particularly proud to find a really big stick! But getting that stick home is sometimes outside of their experience, especially when they need to fit it through a gate or doorway.

Here are a whole slew of dogs confronting that problem in a compilation from HuffPo. Since the video may auoplay for some people, continue reading to see it.

(video link)

Don’t feel too bad for them; a few actually figure out how to get a stick through a small opening by the end of the video. -via Tastefully Offensive

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Yes, I could mute it... but then I'd miss the audio, wouldn't I? And the audio (minus the crappy music) is a big part of why this is funny. I'll call it Steve's Theorem... there is no funny video improved by music unless that music is Yakety Sax.
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It may reduce pressure on elephants for the time being, but by keeping alive the market for any sort of ivory it may well worsen things when this supply dries up.
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