New Dog Center’s First Resident is a Cat
Dogs Trust, an animal rescue organization in England, is building a new dog shelter in Essex. It is expected to officially open for business in June and take in dogs who need homes. But a cat, who knows a good thing when she finds it, has already decided to make it a home. The staff calls her Dog the Mog.
Centre manager Maria Wickes said she was not surprised that Dog the Mog had decided the centre was "a good place to set up home".
"One morning this skinny kitty just arrived at the gates and she has made frequent visits ever since," she said.
"It is ironic that our first unofficial resident would be a cat, but we are all animal lovers and we adore her, even if she meows rather than barks at us each morning."
Wickes hopes that someone will recognize Dog and claim her, but if not, she will be welcome to stay when the dogs arrive. -via Arbroath
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