Town Erects Bronze Statue of Favorite Cat

The town of St Andrews, Fife, Scotland, has erected a bronze statue in honor of the town’s favorite citizen. He’s a cat. And the cat is still alive. And he’s not even known for a specific heroic deed. But Hamish McHamish is a star among St. Andrew’s residents. The 15-year-old cat even has his own Wikipedia entry. The bronze statue of Hamish was created by Kilmany-based sculptor David Annand and Fife stonemason Colin Sweeney. The £5,000 was funded by donations. The unveiling ceremony was a big affair.

After students Hannah Holmes and Rosie Hanlon from St Andrews Opera had serenaded the assembled crowd with Rossini’s humorous duet for two cats, Hamish’s owner Marianne Baird said it all seemed a bit surreal.

She said: “I can’t really get over it. All I did was get a kitten.

Hamish is a wandering cat, and over the years has made himself at home at many local businesses and the University of St Andrews. He befriends everyone he meets. People who travel to St. Andrews often ask to meet Hamish. You can see plenty of pictures of Hamish at his Facebook page. -via Arbroath

(Image credit: DC Thomson)

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