Prickly Pete Rescued from Cactus
The Arizona Humane Society sent its emergency team to respond to a report of a cat stuck in a cactus in north Phoenix. They found the cat had escaped the cactus, but took parts of it with him as he became stuck in a fence!
The vet techs rushed the unfortunate feline, now dubbed “Prickly Pete”, to the Humane Society’s Second Chance Animal Hospital. Vets spent two long hours, painstakingly removing cactus spines, one by one, from Pete’s muzzle, eyelids and mouth.
Now recovering in Second Chance, Pete will remain on pain medication and antibiotics to prevent infection.
If Pete's owner is not found before he recovers, he may go up for adoption. Link -via Arbroath
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Comments (4)
‘What a piece of work is cat! How noble in reason, how infinite in faculty, in form and moving how express and admirable, in action how like an angel, in apprehension how like a god!'