How Do Genes Influence Our Preferences?

While we may insist that our environment influences our preferences, new research reveals that our genes also have influence over our preferences. Our genes control how much of our behavior might have a biological predisposition. This means that we might have been born to have a particular behavior or characteristic, as the Next Web details: 

Research has shown genes may predispose not only our height, eye colour or weight, but also our vulnerability to mental ill-health, longevity, intelligence and impulsivity. Such traits are, to varying degrees, written into our genes — sometimes thousands of genes working in concert.
Most of these genes instruct how our brain circuitry is laid down in the womb, and how it functions. We can now view a baby’s brain as it is built, even 20 weeks before birth. Circuitry changes exist in their brains that strongly correlate with genes that predispose for autism spectrum disorder and attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). They even predispose for conditions that might not emerge for decades: bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder and schizophrenia.
Increasingly we are faced with the prospect that predispositions to more complex behaviors are similarly wired into our brains. These include which religion we choose, how we form our political ideologies, and even how we create our friendship groups.

Image via The Next Web

Meet The Guy Who Wraps Celebrities’ Luxury Cars

Okay, "wraps" doesn’t mean Yianni Charalambous puts wrapping paper around luxury cars as gifts, no. Charalambous specializes in customizing rare and expensive cars for celebrities. If a celebrity isn’t satisfied by how their Ferrari, Aston Martin, Porsche, McLaren, Bentley, or Rolls Royce look, they can hire Charalmbous’ services to customize their beloved cars. Check out the delicate and intricate process on how he changes the look of celebrities’ expensive automobiles.

A Family With No Fingerprints

It seems that not all people get a unique set of swirls on their fingertips. This unique condition, which manifested in Apu Sarker’s family, is a rare genetic mutation. The condition, called Adermatoglyphia, renders people affected with it to have no fingerprints and a reduced amount of sweat glands on their hands, as BBC details: 

Apu, who is 22, lives with his family in a village in the northern district of Rajshahi. He was working as a medical assistant until recently. His father and his grandfather were farmers.
The men in Apu's family appear to share a genetic mutation so rare it is thought to affect only a small handful of families in the world: they have no fingerprints.
Back in the day of Apu's grandfather, having no fingerprints was no big deal. "I don't think he ever thought of it as a problem," Apu said.
But over the decades, the tiny grooves that swirl around our fingertips - known properly as dermatoglyphs - have become the world's most collected biometric data. We use them for everything from passing through airports to voting and opening our smartphones.

A dermatologist in Bangladesh has diagnosed the family's condition as congenital palmoplantar keratoderma, which Prof Itin believes developed into secondary Adermatoglyphia - a version of the disease which can also cause dry skin and reduced sweating on palms and feet - symptoms reported by the Sarkers.
More testing would be needed to confirm that the family has some form of Adermatoglyphia. Professor Sprecher said his team would be "very glad" to assist the family with genetic testing. The results of those tests might bring the Sarkers some certainly, but no relief from the day to day struggles of navigating the world without fingerprints.

Image via BBC

What Did We Get Stuck in Our Orifices in 2020?

It's time for Barry Petchesky's annual list of things people had to go to emergency rooms to have removed from various bodily orifices in the preceding year. That includes the ears, nose, throat, penis, vagina, and rectum.

All reports are taken from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission’s database of emergency room visits, all descriptions are verbatim, and hey don’t put that in there, you might lose it.

Most of the list is just the object and its size, but there are some quotes from the reports. The reports of earbuds stuck in ears are quite believable, and the things pulled from noses appear to be mostly children, but you can almost hear the skepticism in the quotes about how objects became stuck in rectums -as reported by the patients. See the list at Defector.

Should You Pet Your Dog Before Leaving The House?

I pet my dog every chance I get. Do you (if you have one, that is) have to pet your furry companion before you leave?  Researchers recommend you do. Giving pups a little pat before we head out actually keeps them calm while we’re away. According to a study published in the Journal of Veterinary Behavior, gently petting a dog before leaving home has a positive effect on the animal’s stress response

The researchers monitored the dogs’ behaviors while the owners were gone, measured the dogs’ heart rates before and after the separation, and noted the animals’ salivary cortisol after their owners left (excess drooling can be a sign of stress). The experimenters noticed that though none of the dogs were highly stressed, the animals from both groups spent almost half the time looking for their missing owners.
However, the key difference between the groups was that dogs who were pet before their owners left exhibited more calm behaviors when their owners were missing and had a lower heart rate after the reunion compared to dogs in the neutral condition. The researchers conclude that this topic needs further study, though they write that the findings suggest “that petting a dog before a brief separation from the owner may have a positive effect, making the dog calmer during the separation itself.”

Image via First For Women

Long Distance Quantum Teleportation Has Been Achieved!

That’s one step closer to our dreams of saying ‘beam me up!’ anytime we go to other locations! Researchers are not able to teleport actual human beings yet, sorry. However, the team of scientists have successfully teleported qubits (basic units of quantum info) across almost 14 miles of fiber optic cables with 90 percent precision. This might be a stepping stone to not only human teleportation, but towards the quantum internet (possibly a much more powerful Internet connection).

When quantum internet is finally a thing, it will make Wifi look obsolete and dial-up even more ancient than it already is. “We achieved sustained, high-fidelity quantum teleportation utilizing time-bin (time-of-arrival_ qubits of light, at the telecommunication wavelength of 1.5 microns, over fiber optic cables,” Panagiotis Spentzouris, Head of Quantum Science at the Fermilab Quantum Institute, told SYFY WIRE. “This type of qubit is compatible with several devices that are required for the deployment of quantum networks.”
What you might recognize is the fiber optic cables used in the experiment, since they are everywhere in telecommunication tech today. Lasers, electronics and optical equipment which were also used for the experiments at Caltech (CQNET) and Fermilab (FQNET) that could someday evolve into the next iteration of internet. Though this is equipment you probably also recognize, what it did for these experiments was enable them to go off without a glitch. Information traveled across the cables at warp speed with the help of semi-autonomous systems that monitored it while while managing control and synchronization of the entangled particles. The system could run for up to a week without human intervention.

Image via Syfy

The Goat Problem, Now Solved

I had no idea this existed. But this infamous goat problem is more difficult than the ‘how many milk bottles’ will one have after a certain number of conditions. This one has baffled mathematicians for quite some time. The problem is this: ‘for a goat to be able to eat grass in a circle with an area of exactly one half acre, how much rope does it need?’ Now this may look simple, but the answer actually has only been approximations for centuries, as Popular Mechanics detailed: 

The goat problem is a living example of what it means to round off your answer. Steve Nadis at Quanta explains the distinction:
“To illustrate the difference, consider the equation x2 − 2 = 0. One could derive an approximate numerical answer, x = 1.4142, but that’s not as accurate or satisfying as the exact solution, x = √2.”
With a few moments of thought, the goat problem quickly turns into an exercise in many intersecting approximations. This is why every answer offered since the 1700s has been an approximation as well.
And now, finally, there’s an exact solution for the first time. Mathematician Ingo Ullisch took a cue from the previous researchers who made progress on the problem. He introduced complex analysis, which is kind of like algebra with an optional imaginary-number add-on. 

Check Popular Mechanics’ full piece on the solution to the problem here. 

Image via Popular Mechanics

These Creatures May Have Taken Over The Moon

Tardigrades, also known as water bears, are microscopic creatures that have possibly taken over the lunar surface.  Scientists believe that these animals are now thriving on the moon after an Israeli spacecraft crash-landed on the Moon in 2019. The spacecraft contained a ‘library of life,’ which included a stack of disks archiving 30 million pages of information about Earth, a copy of the entire English-language Wikipedia, human DNA samples, and thousands of tardigrades: 

Beresheet's strange occupants were dehydrated tardigrades, a process which essentially slows their metabolism down and suspends them in a near-life state. The idea was that, if they were to be rehydrated by someone or something, then they would come back to life, ostensibly telling future lunar explorers about life on Earth today.
But the spacecraft carrying the tardigrades didn’t land on the Moon according to plan, instead crashing on the lunar surface and losing contact with ground control.
Despite the impact, scientists believe that if anything survived the crash intact, it may well have been the tardigrades. The microscopic creatures were sandwiched between micron-thin sheets of nickel and suspended in epoxy, a resin-like preservative that acts like a jelly — potentially enough to cushion their landing.
This is not a totally outlandish idea. Tardigrades have been shown to survive the harsh conditions of space in the past.

Image via Inverse

"Books By the Foot" Sells Books to Go into Your Zoom Background

Bookcase Credibility is a Twitter account that judges famous people for the books that appear in the background of their Zoom or WebEx video conferences. It's an inevitable practice, as the new ways of telework inevitably bringing the world into your home to judge you for your interior design choices. Or, more specifically, your intellectual rigor and home library organization skills.

So it's now important to not only dress well and furnish your office to look professional. Now even your bookcase has to impress people. Now you could read respected academic works that expand your mind. But that takes time and is boring. Instead, just have the service Books by the Foot send you a curated collection of books that subtly deceive people you work with into thinking that you're smart.

Books by the Foot, which is operated by a company called Wonder Book has been in business for many years, but quarantine life has given its services only greater importance. Politico reports:

The Wonder Book staff doesn’t pry too much into which objective a particular client is after. If an order were to come in for, say, 12 feet of books about politics, specifically with a progressive or liberal tilt—as one did in August—Wonder Book’s manager, Jessica Bowman, would simply send one of her more politics-savvy staffers to the enormous box labeled “Politically Incorrect” (the name of Books by the Foot’s politics package) to select about 120 books by authors like Hillary Clinton, Bill Maher, Al Franken and Bob Woodward. The books would then be “staged,” or arranged with the same care a florist might extend to a bouquet of flowers, on a library cart; double-checked by a second staffer; and then shipped off to the residence or commercial space where they would eventually be shelved and displayed (or shelved and taken down to read).
Only sometimes do Bowman and Wonder Book President Chuck Roberts know the real identity of the person whose home or project they’ve outfitted: “When we work with certain designers, I pretty much already know it’s going to be either an A-list movie or an A-list client. They always order under some code name,” Bowman says. “They’re very secretive.”

Visually-appealing book arrangements are important for more than just video conference calls. Books by the Foot also provides scenic backgrounds for offices on TV shows and movies:

Books by the Foot’s creations have also popped up in a variety of TV shows and movies, many of them politics-adjacent. “Madam Secretary,” “Veep,” “The Blacklist,” “House of Cards,” as well as the 2017 movie Chappaquiddick, for example, have all outfitted their sets with Books by the Foot curations. Some of the most high-profile projects the team works on, however, aren’t revealed to them until after the fact: Bowman has had the distinctly surreal experience of watching a movie for the first time and recognizing her work onscreen. (That’s how it works, she said, with “pretty much anything Marvel.”)

-via Althouse

This Special Camera Captures Delicate Snowflakes As HD As Possible

Renowned photographer Nathan Myhrvold developed a special camera to shoot delicate snowflakes in high definition. He was able to capture stunning images of snowflakes, and their every intricate detail. The process was not as easy as pulling out your phone camera and clicking the camera button, no! Myhrvold had to consider a lot of factors, such as temperature and the type of lens he would use, as My Modern Met details: 

To get these perfect shots—available now as prints at the Modernist Cuisine Gallery—many factors had to be perfectly calibrated. To avoid melting or sublimation of the snowflakes, the images were shot on location in Fairbanks, Alaska and Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada. Myhrvold used a special camera of his own design. He combined the magnifying power of a microscopic lens (as typically used in snowflake photography) with a specially designed optical path. This path allowed the lens to channel its image to a medium-format digital sensor—which provided the stunningly high level of resolution. In addition, the camera featured a cooling stage upon which the tiny specimens could rest. With LED short-pulse lights and a shutter speed of less than 500 microseconds, Myhrvold was able to capture multiple images of each snowflake at different focal lengths. These images were then stacked to create the final image.
The scientific precision which enabled Myhrvold to create this unique snowflake camera is a hallmark of his varied career. With a PhD in Physics from Princeton, as well as two master's degrees, he did his postdoctoral research on quantum field theory with Stephen Hawking at Cambridge University. The young scientist then began his own software company, before working for Microsoft as chief technology officer alongside founder Bill Gates. 

Image via My Modern Met 

Founding Father Gouverneur Morris Died From a Self-Inflicted Penis Injury

Gouverneur Morris was given an awesome name at birth, and became a well-respected representative of what would become the state of Pennsylvania. He wrote the Preamble to the Constitution, and spoke up against slavery at the Constitutional Convention. Morris was later to serve as both a senator and a diplomat. But he had long term health problems, and died in 1816 at the age of 63.

Modern medicine has seen its greatest advances in the past century or so, with ever improving techniques and knowledge. Prior to that, people were often on their own to treat themselves and sadly such experimentation often met with unsuccessful results. This includes Gouverneur Morris, an American founding father, who died as a result of a self-inflicted injury to his penis.

The actions that led to Morris' death are cringe-inducing, but were the result of desperation. Read about Morris and his strange death at Medium. -via Strange Company

If the Characters in The Lord of the Rings Were Dogs

We have a breed of dog to resemble almost anyone you can think of, but how about the fantasy characters from The Lord of the Rings, many of whom aren't human? Lady K dared to ask the question on Twitter, but luckily, she was prepared to give us the answers. Continue reading for more.

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"Iron Crotch" Kung Fu Training Involves Taking a Log Directly to the Testicles

Part of traditional martial arts training is conditioning the body to withstand hard blows by building up bone and muscular density. One kung fu tradition from China calls for the sensitive and vulnerable male genitals to be prepared to take heavy blows. Training involves ramming a steel-capped log into a student's groin.

This video from Luoyang, Henan province, China features masters of this conditioning practice, as well as "iron throat", "iron back", and "iron stomach." Those training regimens are also demanding, if somewhat less terrifying to men.

-via Geek Tyrant

A 50-year Timeline of Pop Music by DJ Earworm

DJ Earworm put together instrumental snippets of 52 hit songs, one for each year from 1970 to 2020 (there's two for 1985). It's like a timeline of pop music, accurately called Time of Our Lives. The part you will like best starts at whatever year you turned 12. I knew all of them until they got to the years when I was raising children, then my recognition got a little spotty. There's a list of the songs used at the YouTube page.   

A Way To Convert Carbon Dioxide Into Jet Fuel Has Been Discovered!

Hooray! Researchers have discovered a way to convert carbon dioxide into synthetic jet fuel. Researchers from Oxford University believe that if the new method becomes successful, the aviation industry could achieve net zero carbon emissions, as Newshub details: 

"It's viewed as part of a suite of approaches to mitigate climate change. It won't be the end, won't be the final story, there will be many other things and it might be a bridging technology as well," says Massey University Professor in Chemistry Shane Telfer.
Eight companies are already working on recycling carbon, including a Swiss company that's building capture facilities to take CO2 out of the atmosphere and Kiwi start-up Lanzatech which has a different way to turn industrial waste gases into ethanol.
Now based in America, Lanzatech provided the fuel that partially powered Richard Branson's first biofuel flight.
"In the next decade these fuels may become competitive with our traditional fuels," Prof Brent says.
Prof Brent believes they could be made in New Zealand - perhaps at the Tiwai Point Aluminium Smelter if it closes, or by repurposing the Marsden Point oil refinery, or capturing CO2 at a geothermal power plant.
The catch - it would use all of the electricity currently generated in New Zealand.
But that doesn't deter the scientists.
"These new technologies are much more efficient and recyclable and sustainable, so if they do make the grade then they will be a better solution," Prof Telfer says.
So when you do eventually take that overseas trip - you might be able to fly with a clean conscience.

Image via Newshub

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