Woman Gives Away Coffin She Bought for Her Husband Because "He Has Lived Longer Than I Had Hoped"

Are you in the mood for a love story? Here's one from Easdale, Scotland, where a woman named Margaret Stables is offering to give away a coffin that she had originally purchased for her husband. The tabloid Daily Record reports that Stables posted the offer on Facebook Marketplace. She purchased the coffin in the hope of burying her husband in it, but he hasn't died yet and the coffin is taking up a lot of space in their house.

The coffin is free, but you have to come to the Stables' residence to pick it up. It doesn't come with the pillow, as their dog has taken a liking to it.

Valentine's Day is a few months away, but consider this opportunity to get the perfect gift for a romantic partner early.

-via Dave Barry | Photo: Margaret Stables

You'll Never Guess What the Inside of this Normal-Looking House Looks Like

🏠 The house on Coleman Way in Sacramento, California, looks just like any other regular ol' house on the block, but you'll never guess how it looks from the inside. Wow.

🎡 "If you're happy and you know it, overthink it." The Holderness Family sings the anthem of people who always overthink things. Here's The Over-Thinking Song.

🦿 Sure, you can still outrun the world's fastest bipedal robot right now, but you know how technology improves by leaps and bounds. By the time the Robocalypse happen, surely the bots can easily catch you when you try to run away.

😻 Hurricane Ian devastated parts of Florida yesterday, but there was one bright moment of kindness when a man spotted a cat trying to stay out of flooding waters and rescued it. Yay humans!

πŸ’€ What does an engineer do when he's in charge of decorating for Halloween? Wild Bill Knowles has the answer: make a diorama of skeletons roasting a Chevy S-10 pickup truck!

πŸ•ΈοΈ If that's too involved for you lazy Halloween decorators, try this one: how to make Easy Giant Halloween Spiderwebs (or simply don't clean for oh, a decade or two, and let natural spiderwebs accumulate instead).

πŸ•Ί Rebellious skateboarders will openly flaunt pandemic restrictions during the lockdown, but roller skaters are much more devious: they organize Secret Roller Discos where they gather every week to roller skate and hang out.

Want more neat stuff? Check out our new sites: Pop CulturistaPictojamHomes & HuesInfinite 1UPSupa Fluffy, Laughosaurus and Spooky Daily.

πŸ‘• Don't miss: Top 10 Horror T-Shirts Starring Iconic Horror Movie Villains over at The Shirt Stack and 10 Halloween T-Shirts That are Spooky and Fun

From the NeatoShop: Who You Gonna Kill by indie artist mommagorilla. More neat Horror T-Shirts.

Can You Argue With This List of the 35 Greatest Westerns?

I'm not sure what to make of a list of the best Western movies ever. If someone were to ask me what my favorite Western is, I'd probably say Blazing Saddles because I couldn't think of another. Also, if a movie had John Wayne or Clint Eastwood in it, it's hard to keep straight which one is which. For someone who has never been a fan of Westerns, I was surprised to realize how many of these 35 movies I've seen. That's purely because of the many years I've spent living with a man in possession of a remote control device, beginning with my father. I have to admit that some are pretty good, while there are quite a few I've not even heard of.

The list begins with the 1939 movie Stagecoach at #1. Don't let that throw you, because this is not a ranked list. The movies are presented in chronological order, with a trailer and description for each, at Mental Floss. Which movies have you seen that should have made the list and didn't? Blazing Saddles is not included.

The Most Complex Way to Make Pancakes Ever

When I think about making pancakes, I turn on the griddle and mix up some pancake batter. When The Brick Wall thinks about making pancakes, they draw up schematics for a series of LEGO machines that will do it for them. Watch this incredibly complicated homemade factory break eggs, then add flour, milk, and the other ingredients, mix it all together, lubricate the frying pan, pour batter, turn the pancake (yes, they are made one at a time), and transfer it to a plate. This has to be the most complicated method ever devised to make breakfast, but it's fascinating to watch. If I had been the one to build these machines, I would feel the need to open a diner to make the time and effort pay off. But LEGO bricks are toys, so the point of this whole project is to have fun doing it. -via Laughing Squid

Meet the Oyster King of New York

Before the 19th century, oysters were street food in New York City. There were also some oyster restaurants, but they were small, crowded basement diners. That changed in 1825 when Thomas Downing opened his Oyster House in the city's financial district. It was truly fine dining, offering only the freshest and best quality oysters. Downing was born to formerly-enslaved parents on Chincoteague Island off the coast of Virginia, where he grew up harvesting seafood like the rest of his family. His skills served him well in establishing the first fine dining experience in New York. The Oyster House served only white clientele, and was so luxurious that businessmen brought their wives and families to eat there, a practice that was fairly new to restaurants at the time. But Downing's patrons didn't know Downing all that well, and certainly didn't know about the people he was hiding in the restaurant's basement. Read about the life of the "Oyster King of New York" at Atlas Obscura.

(Image credit: John Lewis Krimmel)

The Largest Corn Maze in the World Celebrates the 60th Anniversary of James Bond

The name is Corn, James Corn.

The world's largest corn maze, located the Richardson Adventure Farm in Spring Grove, Illinois, is celebrating the 60th anniversary of Agent 007 of Her Majesty's Secret Service, James Bond.

The maze displays the images of (almost) all James Bond actors - Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, Sean Connery, Pierce Brosnan and Daniel Craig - as well as other details from the movie, including the gun barrel, an Aston Martin DB5 car and the Casino de Monte-Carlo.

The "James Corn" (hah) maze was created by planting corn using GPS-equipped tractors, which automatically dropped seeds according to certain patterns. After the seed sprouted into corn plants, they get a maze with 10 miles of trail winding through 28 acres of live corn.

The James Bond corn maze is open to the public from September 10 to October 30, 2022. Besides getting lost in the maze, visitors can also participate in pumpkin picking, zip lines and other activities.

Image: Richardson Adventure Farm

Lizzo Plays Flutes from the Library of Congress

Before pop singer Lizzo played a concert in Washington, DC, last night, she was invited to the Library of Congress to check out the world’s largest flute collection. Lizzo, who is a classically trained flautist, was eager to see the collection. And Monday, she got the chance to play them, too!

One of the flutes was made for President James Madison by renowned clockmaker Claude Laurent, who made flutes as a hobby, and patented the crystal flute. The leaded crystal flute gifted to Madison for his second inauguration is one of the few items saved from an 1814 fire at the White House started by the British during the War of 1812. The rare instrument hasn't been played in 200 years.

The Library also arranged for Lizzo to play the flute at her concert Tuesday night, but only for a few notes, for security reasons. There are a lot of things to trip over on a concert stage, and you never know when someone is going to throw something onstage. Read how the visit came about and about the Library's flute holdings at the Library of Congress blog. -via Metafilter

The Pumpkin Spice Latte Engagement Ring

The trend of flavoring everything with pumpkin spice has led to jokes like the pumpkin spice oil change, but it still comes back around every fall with more real products marketed with the same idea. Now you can purchase fine gems in an engagement ring that proclaims to the world how much you love pumpkin spice!

Priced at £10,000, the Pumpkin Spice Latte Ring features a rose gold band, designed to replicate the shape of a pumpkin, with white diamonds, orange sapphires and emerald shoulder stones down either side of the ring.

The ring features a single whipped cream shaped centre diamond. This is surrounded by a cluster of white diamonds and orange sapphires set in a cup-shaped claw, reminiscent of a warm cup of pumpkin spice-goodness.

The ring, from Angelic Gems, is inscribed with "Pumpkin Spiced" inside. We can't get a really close look at the "whipped cream shaped centre diamond," but it could be a classic-cut diamond set upside down. The ring is priced at $11,300 in US dollars. While it may seem silly to purchase such an expensive and symbolic piece of jewelry with a seasonal food theme, is it any sillier than a superhero wedding band? However, you have to think ahead. How would you feel about wearing a Pumpkin Spice Latte engagement ring with a pink dress in the spring? Or with a red sweater at Christmas? Or what if, heaven forbid, you get tired of pumpkin spice altogether? -via Fark

Authorities Investigating Gender Reveal Waterfall

There have been several gender reveal parties that have turned into wildfires, but people have found still more ways to damage the environment. An unnamed couple in Brazil posted video of their gender reveal party, in which an 18-foot waterfall was dyed blue to announce they are going to have a boy. They deleted the original video when the backlash began. The waterway was identified as the Queima Pé river, which supplies water to the town of Tangará da Serra. And now the authorities are involved.

The Secretary of State for the Environment of Mato Grosso (SEMA) released a statement saying that it would be investigating the couple to determine what products were used to dye the waterfall and if there is any environmental damage.

This is not the first gender reveal party to use dye in a natural waterway. While it may seem safer than using explosives, pyrotechnics, or airplanes, it can still be damaging to the environment. -via reddit

Update: The investigation found that the water quality is fine, and found no death of fauna. However, the person responsible will still be charged with an environmental violation-Thanks, Arnaldo Boccato!

The Weirdest Weapon Ever Invented

πŸ›‘οΈ Lantern shield is definitely one of the weirdest weapons ever invented. Yes, it's a shield, but that's not all: it's also a metal gauntlet with an integrated sword, retractable blade, central spike and ... a lantern!

πŸ” Here's the good news you've been waiting for: McDonald's is launching Happy Meals for Adults.

πŸ’€ Need to make Halloween decorations on the cheap? Make skulls out of plastic milk jugs for free - all you need is a heat gun and a fake skull as mold.

🎡 Legendary actors not knowing Hollywood blockbuster theme songs? Inconceivable! Watch Mandy Patinkin and his wife Kathryn Grody play Name That Tune while eating dinner.

🐹 This 80s-loving gerbil has a Blockbuster store in her basement.

😱 From our new site Shirt Stack, here's Top 10 Horror T-Shirts Starring Iconic Horror Movie Villains. See if your favorite villain made the list.

More neat stuff daily over at our new sites: Pop CulturistaPictojamHomes & HuesInfinite 1UPSupa Fluffy and Spooky Daily.

Image: Visit the Overlook by indie artists Good Idea Ryan and DAObiwan.

Nikola Tesla's Early X-ray Experiments

German physicist Wilhelm Röntgen is known as the man who discovered x-rays. His experiments were conducted in late 1896, and he published a paper with his findings on December 28th of that year. But on the other side of the pond, Nikola Tesla began his work with x-rays in 1894. Tesla took x-ray images of his own hands and feet, which you can see above. You can even see the grommets in Tesla's much-repaired shoes.

Tesla was ahead of Röntgen in detecting some danger in x-ray technology, as he suffered from pain, swelling, and hair loss. He even tried to develop a kind of shielding to protect against it. If it hadn't been for an 1895 fire that destroyed his equipment, Tesla may have become known as the father of the x-ray. As it was, he congratulated Röntgen. Read about Nikola Tesla and his x-ray work at My Modern Met. -via Damn Interesting

The Dangerous Profession of Underwater Welding

Welding and diving are hard enough one at a time, but when you put them together, you have one of the world's most hazardous careers. The total danger is more than the sum of its parts, as water and welding do not normally go together. I hear it pays very well. Still, the contents of this video are more than enough to turn you off the job. In the YouTube comments, quite a few people have known an underwater welder at one time or another in their lives. Some of those welders died on the job, some were permanently injured, and the rest will just try to convince you not to go into that line of work. Besides what is outlined in the video, they relate tales of being in the dark water and suddenly encountering a massive sea creature who came over to get a look!  -via Nag on the Lake

Neptune Looking Like a Pearl with a Halo

Looking at the planet Neptune from Earth, it appears blue with no rings. That's the image we've always had of Neptune. We know it has rings, but normally we can't see them. The last time they were detected was more than 30 years ago when Voyager 2 flew by the planet. But now we have the James Webb space telescope to get a better view, and it's, uh, heavenly. Why does Neptune suddenly look so different? Lunacy: A Comet Strip explains it to us.

The image was captured in near-infrared. Most of what we see here isn't the planet itself, because its methane absorbs red and infrared light. But the high clouds above the planet glow pearly white! This also gives a "weather report" of sorts that tells us about the planet's movements and composition. The telescope also captured seven of Neptune's 14 moons, which you can see at the telescope's website, with or without captions. -via Geeks Are Sexy

(Top image credit: NASA's James Webb Space Telescope at Flickr)

Cat Going Up the Down Escalator

We know how people in Istanbul love cats and go out of their way to help the city's numerous street cats. This cat hasn't learned to distinguished the up escalator from the down escalator, and doesn't understand why he's not making any progress. The lady going up notices him, and then goes back down to help out, but another human is quicker. Notice the little look back, as if the cat is saying "Thanks." Both humans were being way more helpful than whoever shot the video.

That said, cats and dogs shouldn't be on escalators at all because of the danger of their paws being pinched at the end.

The Rise and Fall of Spoof Movies

There have always been movies that spoofed, or made fun of, other movies. Mel Brooks elevated the art form in the 1970s with Blazing Saddles and Young Frankenstein and other comedies. That kicked into high gear when Airplane! came out in 1980. At the time, everyone knew it was a spoof of the 1970 film Airport and its sequels. There are few people today who can even recall Airport. But in the 1980s, the success of Airplane! spawned spoof movie after spoof movie, until the genre was burned out.

Will they ever come back? It's doubtful. Airplane! made fun of the overly-dramatic Airport, and was full of cultural references that made the audience laugh. The 1987 movie Dragnet was funny because people still remembered the over-the-top Jack Webb version. Stuffing a movie with cultural references today is iffy at best. Cable TV, streaming, internet channels, and video-on-demand have fractured our viewing so much that a filmmaker can't assume that the audience will understand what a movie is spoofing. The 2012 version of 21 Jump Street was a comedy, but not quite a spoof because it did not rely on anyone remembering the 1987 teen cop series. Read about the peak of spoof movies in the 1980s and why it will never happen again at Mental Floss.

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