A Rare Smile

It’s pretty rare to see someone from the 19th century smiling in a photograph, and even rarer to see a Native American from the era with a big smile. But this young lady is beaming! According to DrColdReality,

The girl's name is written in the lower left: O-o-be, and she's a Kiowa. The photo was taken in 1894. Background, dress, and physical appearance of the image are all period-authentic.

Smiles were still somewhat rare in photos from that era.

-via reddit

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Featured Designs from the NeatoShop:

Selective Memory

This curious slogan takes up the entire back of a Chevy truck in Oregon. After marveling at the creative spelling and kerning, you have to wonder at the motivation behind it. Various redditors offered their explanations as to the identity of Perl Horber.

Perl Horber is the town's sole Uber driver. The sign was supposed to read "a limo", but Perl lost her train of thought when placing the order.


I'm guessing Perl Horber was this persons childhood neighbor. Growing up they were the best of friends, always going on adventures and getting into trouble. Until one fateful day they decided to go swimming at the pond near their friend Ali Mo's house. Perl tragically drowned and I dont think this person was ever able to get over that, and still in some way holds Ali responsible. It consumes them so much that it affects almost every aspect of their everyday life, including knowing how to park in a space correctly. Its sad really.


"Hold the Bear, Alimo!"
"Hold the bear!"
"Hold the bear!"
"Hor thebear!"
"Hor thebor!"


The truck has been spotted more than once, so we know it isn’t Photoshop.

-via reddit

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Anxiety Magazine Covers

Are you behind on reading Anxiety magazine? Did your subscription order go through, or did you accidentally order two subscriptions?

You've got a lot to worry about and Anxiety magazine is here to keep you informed of the latest vexations. Crayon Elyse photoshopped covers for 5 issues of this non-existent periodical. You can view them all at Pleated Jeans. Say hello to this man who seems to know you, but you can't remember his name or where you met him.

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Creepy Images of a Doll Factory


Before they were dolls, they were doll parts, which are mass-produced. We know that, but seeing rows and rows of disembodied doll parts is still eerie. Mashable assembled a collection of 26 images taken in doll factories between 1931 and 1955 that are perfectly innocent but still inflict a feeling of dread. -via the Presurfer 

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Dewey’s Epitaph

A tombstone in the Pine Ridge Pet Cemetery in Dedham, Massachusetts, pays tribute to a cat that lived over 100 years ago. The first line is in quotes, which points out that  it was something Dewey’s owner probably heard over and over as he was mourning, and most likely again when he commissioned a tombstone for his beloved cat. -via reddit

(Image credit: Paul Koudounaris)

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Perfect Rainbow over Mount Vesuvius

Redditor -yenn- snapped this beautiful photo from Naples, Italy. Here is Mount Vesuvius, a volcano, framed within a full rainbow. Enjoy the view, but don't get too close. Volcanos are sneaky, especially this one (look at what happened to Pompeii).

-via Twisted Sifter

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American Bald Eagle vs. Canada Goose

It was the winter of 1812. The Canadians, long covetous of superior American lands, such as Texas and California, waited for Lake Ontario to freeze over. Then they sent their moose-back cavalry over the ice to invade America.

Naturally, we sent them packing in short order. President Madison celebrated by lighting a cigar and, in the process, accidentally starting a fire in the city of Washington. But after firefighters put it out, the Americans and Canadians made peace and have kept it, however tenuous, ever since.

Skirmishes still break out occasionally. Recently, photographer Lisa Bell saw a Bald Eagle slap around a Canada Goose in British Columbia.

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The Quirky Mailboxes of Japan

(Photo: Joel Bradshaw)

These mailboxes are so kawaii! I want to go to Japan just to mail letters in them.

Sarusawa has compiled photos of more than a dozen eccentric mailboxes, many of which are shaped like characters and one that is actually underwater. You can view them all here.

-via Lost at E Minor

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Be Different

Drexel University students got new uniforms a few months ago. So they could all look the same. I don’t know whose idea the khaki pants were. Or the haircuts. They weren’t the only ones wearing these shirts. This is one of 19 Photos That Are The Definition Of Irony at Buzzfeed.

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Fish Trapped inside a Jellyfish

Photographer Tim Samuel snapped this poor guy in Byron Bay, Australia.

Look at his face.

Have you ever been suffocated in a relationship that you just couldn't get out of even though you could see freedom just a few inches away?

This fish has.

-via reddit

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What People Drive for a Living

Redditors who drive for a living outdid themselves with a one-upmanship series of posts over the weekend. It all started when redditor 060789 posted a picture and said, “I know it's not the most interesting pic in the world, but here's the inside of my garbage truck, for all your inner kids who wanted to see one.” Yes, people wanted to see the interior cab of a garbage truck! But that started a chain of events as other people started posting interior shots of the vehicles they drive for a living.

Redditor corey_m_snow admitted, “It's not *quite* as cool as a garbage truck, but here's the driver's area of my school bus, where I sit for up to six hours a day, sometimes more.” Yes, there are a lot of people who did not ride a school bus while they were growing up.

How about a fire truck? Redditor polak187 gave us the cab of his fire department command vehicle. Oh, it gets better. You can actually say "that escalated quickly."

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Sunrise on the Farm

Phantomsurfr presented this picture and said, “I've been going for 27hrs straight trying to seed as much as possible before the first cold front of the season hits, but I had to stop to take this picture of the sunrise. Wheatbelt -Western Australia.” It’s stunning, with the light bouncing off the clouds, silhouetting the Mad Max machines in the foreground.

But then I thought, wait, seeding? Isn’t it fall now in Australia? A little digging revealed that you indeed plant wheat in the fall in the Australian wheat belt. It’s too hot to do the work in early April, and the rainy season begins in June.  

Phantomsurfr said working that hard and that long makes you sleep really well.  -via reddit

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She Can Finally Breath

Janeen recently attended her daughter's college graduation ceremonies (congratulations, Janeen's daughter!) and took many pictures. Another graduate at the school showed off her decorated mortarboard. She majored in respiratory therapy, not English. Still, you'd think that the one word a respiratory therapist would be expected to spell properly would be "breathe." 

Thanks, Janeen!

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Mom Turns Son's Scar into Harry Potter Lightning Bolt

What have you done to scar your child for life? Imgur member mommybrittaney hasn't done anything permanent. But when her son got a deep cut on his forehead, she made it look beautiful by adding a couple more strokes with a marker and some costuming to turn him into Harry Potter. The Today show quotes her:

He was so embarrassed about his scratch and didn't want to leave the house and be seen with it that dressing him up as Harry Potter was my first instinct.

It was a good one! Now all he has to do is wait for a letter.

-via Geekologie

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Instagram's New Logo Provokes an Existential Crisis

The photo sharing app Instagram rolled out its new logo this week. So if you look for Instagram on your phone, this is the symbol that you're searching for.

Matt Haughey noticed that it looks a lot like the horrified subject in Edvard Munch's painting The Scream. Munch composed that famous image after this moment of inspiration:

I was walking along the road with two friends
The Sun was setting – the Sky turned blood-red.
And I felt a wave of Sadness – I paused
tired to Death – Above the blue-black
Fjord and City Blood and Flaming tongues hovered
My friends walked on – I stayed
behind – quaking with Angst – I
felt the great Scream in Nature
So I challenge the Mona Lisa and Whistler’s Mother

I can't think of a better metaphor for using Instagram that this experience.

-via Althouse

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