Crayons for Grownups

Ryan Hunter (redditor yanray) is the co-author of the coloring book Coloring for Grownups. He also came up with these crayon colors for a contest. These are the colors you don't forget.  -via reddit

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Featured Designs from the NeatoShop:

Wile E. Coyote Got Wheels

This biker is ready for Halloween! Spotted in Mission Viejo, California, he’s got all the equipment he needs: ACME rockets, a butterfly net, and a “Yikes!” sign he can use when he drives off a cliff without realizing it. And all the time, that roadrunner will always be one step ahead of him. You can enlarge the picture at imgur and see the details better. -via reddit

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The Credible Hulk

You can believe it, just check the sources! This artwork was spotted on the door of an English teacher’s office. -via Laughing Squid

(Image credit: reaptherekt)

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Bronco Plates

If you own a white Ford Bronco, it has probably occurred to you to get personalized plate. Redditor DaFunktapus managed to get the simplest one in North Carolina. He was surprised that it was available. There is a kind of club for white Ford Bronco owners with personalized plates, although they are spread out over the 50 states. And for some reason, people take pictures of them. Continue reading to see some of them.

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Reply All

Hitting “reply all” on a multi-person email can start a chain reaction that never ends. In fact, it can be like rolling a snowball down a mountain, where it gathers more and more snow until it’s bigger than a house. Sometimes it ends in a picnic and a viral story, like the Berkeley Spampocalypse last year. But usually, it just annoys everyone. The New York Times has some advice on such an event. -Thanks, John Farrier!

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Pokeball Flower

This Pokémon Go craze has even invaded the flower garden! Redditor space_wyrm found a zinnia in the garden that aspires to be a Pokeball. You know what they say, dress not for the job you have, but for the job you want.

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Rainbow Challengers

Have you noticed in the last few years that you don’t see colorful cars much anymore? If you’re looking for your car in a parking lot, or you’re in heavy traffic, all the cars around you are gray or white, with a few black outliers. Look at any car dealership, you’ll see it full of gray and white cars, with one of two red ones for contrast. What happened to the colors?

Classic car owners are having none of that. This picture of 76 Dodge Challengers was organized at a meeting of the Peach State Challengers and shared by redditor Ghawblin. You can see that a few drivers in the back showed up a few minutes late (or more likely, they didn’t want the end of the line to be white), but the overall effect is glorious. Doesn’t anyone in Georgia want to drive a yellow Challenger? You can see more shots of the cars at the Peach State Challengers Facebook page.  

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The Craziest Bike Path

UPDATE 7/28/16: Thanks to commenters T313, Rudolph, and Andre Woola, we now know! It's Entrelacement, a public art work by Michel de Broin. You can see it on Google Street View here. Go team Neatoramanauts!


Bartek Komorowski, an urban planner and biking enthusiast, posted this photo of what he says is a stretch of pathway near the Charlevoix Bridge over the Lachine Canal in Montreal. It's not for the novice rider.

Is this real? I can't find any supporting information about this section of the path, but Komorowski doesn't seem inclined to tweeting Photoshop gags.

-via Jeremy Barker

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Delicious Pokémon

Do you want your Pokémon to GO? Jadalnia is a restaurant in Poznan, Poland. Since Pokémon GO became a global sensation, they’ve made use of the Pokémon found in the kitchen! Would you care for some Charmander stir-fry? Squirtle soup? Or maybe Pikachu paté? This image was posted on their Facebook page.  -via reddit

(Image credit: Jadalnia)

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Radioactive Waste Birthday Cake

We don’t know who decorated this cake, but the occasion was the Radioactive Waste Manager’s birthday. Redditor centinel4, who lives in Austria, posted the picture. He must have been at the party, because he knew that the barrels are made of marzipan, and not marshmallows or earplugs as others thought. You’d think the appropriate flavor would be yellowcake, but the brown cake was important to resemble soil in the edible diorama.

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Martinied Out

Let this be a warning to you -martinis will get you drunk very quickly. This olive had certainly had more than enough! It’s just one picture of a collection called 18 Inanimate Objects That Look Completely Wasted at Pleated-Jeans. It's pareidolia that makes you laugh.

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This College Building Looks Like a Toilet

(Photo: News.Cn)

Choose your major wisely because you don't want to just flush your money away. The new building for the North China University of Water Conservancy and Electric Power in Heinan, China is, appropriately, shaped like a massive toilet. The Chinese central government is circulating photos of it to describe its recent move to ban "weird buildings."

Proper architecture, the government argues, does not try to imitate other objects, such as cell phones or human genitals. You can see photos of other weird Chinese buildings at Shanghaiist.

-via Technabob

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Never Give Up

This lizard didn't, even though the snake had swallowed him whole. Bryan Snyder, a naturalist, spotted this savage battle while walking in Santa Ynez, California. I'm rooting for the lizard. He has spirit. 


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Pepper with a Mild-to-Hot Gradient

Redditor petriomelony found a pepper that looks like it has a built-in gradient illustration of mild to hot spiciness. S/he used it to make jerk chicken, which hopefully has a similar range of flavor punch.

-via Tastefully Offensive

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What Is This Thing?

Celebrity librarian Jessamyn West posts this photo and asks reader to identify this strange object.

Do you know the answer? Post a guess in the comments and find the correct answer here.

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