Now THAT is a Jumbo Bag of Cheetos!

Now THAT is a jumbo Cheetos! If you thought that something like that is uniquely American, think again: redditor Imploder's buddy's sister went to Tijuana, Mexico* to bring the largest bag of Cheetos we'd ever seen.

The industrial (for lack fo a better word) bag contains 3 kg or 6.6 lb of Cheetos.

But the title of the world largest Cheeto still belongs to the good ol' US of A. The golf ball-sized Cheeto currently reside in Algona, Iowa. (Photo: Tom Kupfer)

*If you must know, Mexico's obesity rate is now 32.8%, which is slightly higher than the 31.8% obesity rate in the United States. Mexico has overtaken the United States as the fattest country in the world.

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Featured Designs from the NeatoShop:

Award-Winning Animated GIFs by Micaƫl Reynaud

French freelance designer and stop-motion animator Micaël Reynaud's unique animated GIFs are created utilizing slit-scan, time-lapse and masking techniques, some from as many as 100 images. (Is it wrong that, out of all these impressive examples, my favorite is the bubblin', cheese-gooey pizza?)

Reynaud’s work has garnered awards such as the Saatchi Gallery Motion Photography competition and the 2014 Giphoscope International Art GIF contest. See more of Reynaud's animated GIFs (or “hypnotic very short films” as he calls them) on his 
Vimeo channel and his Google+ account. Via Colossal.

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Clever Toilet Paper Ad Lets Customers Try Different Rolls

Redditor shishdem says that this photo shows a toilet stall at a Dutch supermarket named Jumbo. It invites customers to try different types of toilet paper that are on sale. How's the 2-ply? The cotton weave? The 60-grit sandpaper? Test a few squares before purchasing an entire roll.


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Great Landscapes Lent Focus by the iPhone

New York City-based freelance photographer Sam Alive's project “Through the Phone” features landscapes and urban cityscapes as seen through an iPhone. Adding interest to Alive's photographs is the juxtaposition between the crisp, clear image within the frame of the iPhone camera and the blurred bokeh effect of the real background behind it. Shots were photographed through a digital lens. 

The artist's project began in 2012; since then he has traveled and photographed Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong and San Francisco, in addition to his home city of New York. Alive says,

“Life is like an adventure, because you never know what is going to happen next; you only have one life, all we can do until we die is live everyday to the best of our ability. As long as I am still alive, I will continue to take pictures everyday of my life.”

Visit Sam Alive's Tumblr site as well as his Instagram, Flickr and Facebook accounts to see more of his beautiful photographs. Via Beautiful Decay.


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Now THIS is a Doctor's Office

Imgur user Bootlady went to the doctor's office the other day, and snapped this picture of the patient room.

'Twas probably her tenth or eleventh doctor (who? Yes!), and she was amused not only by the "Keep Calm I'm The Doctor" poster, but also this clever little sign below that says "You will obey and wash your hands!" (After all, how else would you EXTERMINATE all those germs?)

Funny, the room looks bigger on the inside. And I wonder what they keep in that little TARDIS lunch box?

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The Nature of Truth

Steve Elgin and Kristian Falcon knew they would be side-by-side in the high school yearbook, so they decided to bend your brain a little with their quotes. If the first is true, how can the second be a lie? That’s hard enough to reconcile, but look -they are quoting each other! My brain is starting to melt. Is this completely nonsensical, or is there some real-world solution? -via mental_floss

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Mario Fire Hydrant

The plumbing business ain't what it used to be, but thankfully, our pal Mario has found another line of work helping out firemen. Here's the Mario Fire Hydrant, located in downtown Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

Quite a role reversal for our favorite plumber, who can power up to be Fire Mario. Oh, and we're still waiting for the Luigi Fire Hydrant, who can extinguish fire with his death stare.

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Movie and TV Shots Before and After Added Visual Effects

  Boardwalk Empire
  Image: Brainstorm Digital on Vimeo

Viewers often get so enveloped in their favorite movie and television shows that they forget the actors are often emoting over settings, creatures and actions that they can't see. Or lose sight of the countless hours visual effects artists and editors spend to fill in the necessary elements for the final cut. Whether or not fans keep such enhancements in mind as they watch media presentations, these before-and-after shots are an interesting diversion. Via Bored Panda. 

  Game of Thrones
  Image: pizzadeonshare

  Walking Dead

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Bane the Barista

Theatricality and deception, powerful agents to the decaffeinated.

Oh, so you think coffee is your drink? But you merely adopted the dark roast. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see other drinks until I was already a man, by then to me it was only decaffeination. Coffee betrays you because they belong to me.

You don't fear decaf ... you welcome it. Your libation must be more severe.

You have my permission to drink.

Vince Mancini over at Uproxx spotted Bane the Barista at a Starbucks dishing out libations to unsuspecting citizens of San Francisco. If you think that Starbucks butcher the spelling of your name on your cup of coffee, wait till this guy calls it out.

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Mirrored Cabin in Scotland is Part of the Scenery

   Image: Ross Campbell

I'll never forget seeing the lush, green beauty of Scotland for the first time. It was view after stunning view. It makes sense that the best idea for a shelter in scenic Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park would be one that blends perfectly into the landscape. 

This enticing, stainless steel structure was designed and built as a thesis project by Strathclyde University architecture students Angus Ritchie and Daniel Tyler, who named it "The Lookout." The clever design won funding from the Scottish government for construction of the $8,500 structure, built mostly by hand. The mirrored surface camouflages a two-seat, wooden bench, and on another side, a smaller seat for one. The slatted, Japanese-style benches are built in locations that frame selected views for their occupants. 

Read about The Lookout in detail at Dezeen. Via Gizmodo.

    Image: Ross Campbell

   Image: Daniel Tyler

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Why Math Teachers Love Math

Why do math teachers love math? Because it makes people cry! That's what this viral photo making its round on the web purportedly say (After all, math = mental abuse to humans, amirite?).

But we know the truth: you love math because it's got problems. Lots of problems that make your life seems so easy and smooth in comparison.

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2014 iPhone Photography Awards

   Coco Liu
   Chicago, Illinois
   2nd Place, Trees Category

Famed photographer Ansel Adams once quipped, "The single most important component of a camera is the twelve inches behind it." Examples of Adams' sentiment abound in the winning shots of the 2014 iPhone Photography Awards. The contest is now in its seventh year and follows seventeen categories including animals, architecture, flowers, food, landscape, nature, news/events, seasons, travel and trees. View all winning entries here

  Juana Chaves
  Madrid, Spain
  2nd Place, News/Events Category

   Jill Missner
   Ridgefield, Connecticut
   3rd Place, 2014 Photographer of the Year Category

   Yilang Peng
   Milwaukee, Wisconsin
   1st Place, Architecture Category 

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Digital Artist Brings His Dreams To Life Via Image Manipulation

There are plenty of bad digital photo manipulation projects out there, and people post photoshop disasters on a daily basis that remind us how bad it can be if you go a little too far with that clone stamp or eraser tool, but there are also plenty of digital artists out there using photoshop to create masterful manipulations for the enjoyment of us all.

Martin De Pasquale is one of these photoshop wizards working for the power of good, and with his digital art skills he’s able to bring his wildest dreams, and a few freaky nightmares, to life with lots of visual appeal.

He was even nice enough to post a behind-the-scenes video for us to watch and learn from, so future photoshop fails can be avoided, and budding digital artists can learn to use their powers for good instead of evil.

-Via Bored Panda

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Glass Bottom Hotel Room

Ubud, Bali is no stranger to hotels with beautiful water features. Here is another entry to add to the list: a hotel suite with a tempered glass floor under the bedroom.

The Bambu Indah hotel in Ubud has 13 suites they call houses, and for good reason: each structure is over 100 years old and once served as a bridal house for a Javanese nobleman who was expected to provide a home for his new bride. The houses were dismantled, relocated to the hotel grounds and then reconstructed and restored.

The bedroom of the suite shown here, appropriately named "Udang House" (Shrimp House), is built on a shrimp pond. The suite itself is built over the source of the fresh spring that supplies the hotel's natural pool. Additional perks of the Udang House include an indoor/outdoor shower and a bathroom with a glass tiled roof. I wouldn't mind "roughing it" in this suite for a few days, how about you?

Visit the hotel's website to see more. Via Twisted Sifter.

Images Credit: Bambu Indah hotel.  


View of Surrounds



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A Parking Lot Riddle

You can’t see the number under the car. Can you figure out what it is? Someone told me the answer before I could work on it. But a bigger question is: Since the lot is practically empty, why didn’t this driver choose the space nearest wherever he is going? -via Bits and Pieces

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