Purrmanently Sad Cat is the Cutest Saddest Cat EVAR!

Redditor moonflower's cat recently had a litter of kittens. We're sure that most of the kittens were glad to be born, but this little guy above - aptly named Purrmanently Sad Cat - seemed to be already sad and disappointed with the world.

Cheer up, sad kitty! The world isn't that bad. If this cat is a guide, you'll end up being Internet-famous!

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Hello Kitty in a War Zone

A rebel commander in Syria fighting against the jihadist militant group ISIS gave a rousing speech to his men in this YouTube clip, but behind the tough guy image he was trying to portray, there was, perhaps, a softer side.

Zahran Alloush, decked out in desert camouflage fatigue and sporting a semi-automatic handgun strapped to his side, told a hundred fighters outside the Syrian capital of Damascus to fight the 'evil ideology" of ISIS. But did he jot down his speech in a cute Hello Kitty notebook shown by his side?

Since it was introduced in 1974, Hello Kitty has become one of the most popular pop culture icon in history. The cute cat has appeared in over 50,000 products in more than 60 countries, with global marketing value of over $5 billion. But even we are surprised that Hello Kitty surfaced in a war zone!

via The Daily Mail

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15 Empowering Illustrations for Women

"It has always bothered me, the world's attempts to control women's bodies, behavior and identities," Carol Rosetti said to Mic, "It's a kind of oppression so deeply entangled in our culture that most people don't even see it's there, and how cruel it can be."

So Rosetti decided to do something about it. The Brazilian artist decided to post a series of artwork centered around the issues of gender identity and sexuality, body image and other topics on Facebook. The response was tremendous: thousands of people shared her empowering illustrations worldwide, and Rosetti's series "WOMEN in english" has gone viral.

Originally written in Portuguese, Rosetti is now working on translating her artwork into other languages. "I can't change the world by myself," Rosetti added, "But I'd love to know that my work made people review their privileges and be more open to understanding and respecting one another."

Here's a few of Rosetti's empowering artwork:

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15 Literal Movie Posters

We've covered plenty of movie poster parodies on Neatorama, but these ones by Danish Ahmed have got us laughing. Literally. See, that's because the Indian illustrator created movie posters as literally defined by their titles.

Take a look:

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Five Babes Sunbathing

via Reddit

After a hard day herding sheep, Babe decides to take a few minutes out of her busy schedule at the Hoggett farm and enjoy the sun. That'll do pig. That'll do.

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Piet Mondrian Duct Tape Sofa

Redditor plotti took an old sofa and made it weatherproof with some duct tape while channeling Dutch painter Piet Mondrian. Let's call it Couchmposition with Red, Yellow and Blue and then try to sell it to the Gugenheim! Then we'll Victory Boogie-Woogie all the way to the bank!

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10 Best and Worst (Actual) Sleeping Positions for Couples

The best part of love is sleeping with your partner. The worst part of love is also sleeping with your partner.

Molly Fitzpatrick and Allison Pottasch show us the best and worst (actual) sleeping positions for couples in this post for Swimmingly. Surprisingly, the blanket thief position isn't shown, but that's probably because every couple is familiar with that.

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10 Amazing Long Exposure Photography of Fireworks by David Johnson

We've showcased David Johnson's fantastic long exposure photographs of fireworks before on Neatorama, but given it's Fourth of July, I thought we'd feature them again. Take a look, then visit Johnson's tutorial on how to photograph your own long exposure fireworks tonight:

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360 Panorama of the Arizona Dust Storm

Panorama over at AerialSphere - via ABC15

DJ Vegh upload this 360° panorama of the massive dust storm that hit Arizona, on July 3, 2014 as shot from a drone. The dust storm, or haboob as it's commonly called, is typically observed in the Sahara desert, though it can also happen in arid regions of North America. This particular one - the first this monsoon season - packed winds up to 50 mph.

Check out the time lapse video clip of the sand storm hitting:

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American Flag Made Out of Metal and Epicness

Jerry Ferguson (ggfergu) of Local Motors created this amazing American flag made entirely out of metal to celebrate Independence Day. The 17" x 24" flag was made from blued steel, rusted steel and aluminum, with the yellow sparks from a steel grinder and steel wool and white sparks from titanium. Nice!

Making of video:

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Penguin Diving Board Fail

via The Queen is not Amused

Penguins may waddle awkwardly on land, but you should know that they're very graceful in the water. Very graceful. But technically, this little guy isn't *yet* in the water, so you should cut 'im a little slack, yeah?

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How to Explain a Book's User Interface to Digital Natives

Having trouble trying to get your digital native (read: young children) to put down their iWhatever and read books - y'know, those ancient scriptures made out of dead trees? Maybe they're just not sure of the user interface.

Mike Pain of Pain Train Comic shows us how to carefully introduce books to the current batch of the future of humanity.

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Diving with Shopping Cart

Photo: Eiko Jones - via National Geographic Your Shot and Dumpaday

Photographer Eiko Jones and fellow divers were diving in Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, when they ran (swam?) across a submerged shopping cart thrown off a bridge. So, what's a few divers to do? They had a bit of fun with it, of course!

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Duct Tape Hammock Perfect for Fourth of July

Because America.

Instructable user Dadzilla shows us how to make a woven red white and blue hammock out of duct tape. It's the perfect hammock for lounging around this Fourth of July weekend!

Check out some of the (patriotic) steps (shouldn't you be standing up and saluting right now?):

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Don't Ask This IKEA Worker Any Hard Questions!

by Woodlands_Creature

Whatever you do, just don't ask him how to get out of Ikea. Nobody knows. In fact, he's probably just a customer who couldn't find the exit in the Ikea Maze and decided that he might as well work there.

The next question you shouldn't ask is "So, what's in those Swedish meatballs?" You just don't want to know the answer.

See also: 10 Things You Didn't Know About IKEA

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