50 Creepy Locations Straight Out Of A Nightmare

We often assume that the nightmarish places found in works of fiction are wholly a figment of the creator’s imagination, but to those explorers who have seen some of the darkest and most nightmarish places on earth firsthand, Hell is a very real place on earth.

Here's the Door To Hell in Turkmenistan, a natural gas field that has been burning since it was lit by Soviet petrochemical scientists in 1971:

Of course, we’re not talking about Hell in the biblical sense, just a place that scares the bejeezus out of folks, like the Isla de las Muñecas (Island of Dolls) in Mexico City:

People have been hanging dolls from tree branches there since at least the 90s, claiming they're a dedication to a girl who drowned in the canal decades ago.

And then there are the ruins which surround the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station in Pripyat, Ukraine, which needs no explanation as to why it's considered a terrifying place:

There are even a few places that conceal sinister secrets behind their beautiful outer appearance, like Aokigahara, the "Suicide Forest", located at the base of Mt. Fuji in Japan:

So many people have committed suicide in this otherwise lush and gorgeous looking forest (57 in 2010 alone) that the mysterious place has earned a nightmarish reputation, and is believed by many Japanese people to be cursed by Demons.

Are you brave enough to venture forth and discover more terrifying travel destinations? Read on to discover 50 Places Straight Out of Nightmares, compiled by The Weather Channel.

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Unbelievable Products You Can Actually Buy At Walmart

Walmart has become the most mega of all mega stores, with new locations popping up all over the country like the Starbucks of retail stores, and now they’re even opening new locations in many countries around the world.

They claim to have everything you could possibly need under their roofs, but as it turns out Walmart also stocks a ton of stuff nobody should ever need, like this amazingly tacky toilet decal:

Or these truly awful "denim" panties:

Walmart also sells some amazingly magical crap, like this low fat Jellybean flavored milk:

And this bacon scented pillow, so you can have delicious dreams about your favorite fatty food:

Looks like Walmart really is a one-stop shop for all things right and terribly wrong in this world, no wonder they’re constantly opening up new locations!

Check out the rest of the 31 Products You Won't Believe You Can Actually Buy At Walmart, brought to you by BuzzFeed.

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The Earliest Known Photo of the Star-Spangled Banner, 1873

Fort McHenry guarded the entrance to the harbor of Baltimore. After the British had burned America's capital city, they set their sights on Baltimore, a wealthy city ripe for looting and the home port of many of the American privateers that had ravaged British shipping.

On September 13, 1814, the British fleet attacked. The city and the fort were under blackout orders to make it harder for the gunners to aim. Only the British rockets and bombs illuminated the night sky. They revealed the 30 by 42-foot flag sewn by Mary Pickersgill, her daughter Caroline, and three other children: Eliza Young, Margaret Young, and Grace Wisher.

In the 1870s, George Henry Preble, an American naval officer, wrote a series of histories of the United States flag. As a part of his work, he took the earliest known photograph of then 59-year old Star-Spangled Banner.

-via American Digest

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This is the Entrance to an Opera House

(Photo: Classical KDFC)

The conductor will ensure that you get into the parking lot at the Estonian National Opera. Drive in on the upstroke. Just hope that the tempo isn't too fast.

-via Twisted Sifter

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How To Succeed in Business

While cleaning an old storage locker, redditor flantaclause found the secret box from 1968 that promises to tell us how to succeed in business. This is what's inside:

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O HAI. Just Me. Finless Porpoise.

Photo: Kenichi Nobusue

Japanese photographer Kenichi Nobusue snapped this wonderful photo of a smiling finless porpoise at the Miyajima Public Aquarium, but the species in the wild doesn't have much to smile about.

According to The Japan Times, the population of finless porpoise in the Yangtze River, China, are in trouble:

China’s river porpoises are rarer than pandas, but fishermen fighting to save them have been snared by a net of blackmail allegations, highlighting uncertainties faced by the country’s emerging environmentalists.

Fewer than 1,000 finless porpoises — gray animals with a hint of a grin on their bulbous faces — are thought to remain in and around the Yangtze River, which carves through the center of China.

The porpoises are social and “pick up on human emotions like children would,” said Hao Yujiang, a researcher at China’s Institute of Hydrobiology. “They are the last mammals alive in the Yangtze, and they are a warning about the dire state of the river.”

“The numbers have decreased very quickly,” added Hao, who blames the decline on rampant overfishing — sometimes with electric charges — industrial pollution and sand-dredging ships trapping the animals in their propellers.

Because of declining population, the Yangtze finless porpoise has been listed as critically endangered species in 2013 by the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List of Threatened Species.

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Rough Drafts of X-Men Characters

We all know that rough drafts are called that for a reason.

Well, writer and comedian Paul Laudiero's Shit Rough Drafts Tumblr turns Hemingway's famous quote "The first draft of anything is shit" into reality with equal part humor and panache. Like this imagining of what the rough draft of X-Men characters by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby would be like.

Max Knoblauch (previously on Neatorama) illustrated the X-Men characters we now now and love:

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Baby is Precious Cargo

via Reasons My Kid is Smiling

Baby is precious cargo, indeed! Jake and Tracy of Kansas sent in this pic of a cute lil' baby nuzzled comfy cozy in his dad's camo pants' cargo pocket.

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Walking Stick with a Shoe

I'm sure this walking stick wears the cute little shoe for, ahem, lumber support.

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Polite Coffee

See? It pays to be polite! This sign for a Honduran restaurant shows how you espresso yourself when you order a cup of coffee can make quite a difference in price. Now, I wonder what "Good morning, a cup of coffee, pretty please with sugar on top" would cost.

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"Hammer Everything He Loves"

Redditor lala989's daughter has a list in case anything happens to her older brother Ethan. We wonder whether this is an "if something happens" or "when something happens" kind of list. Whichever it is, better hide the hammer soon.

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Attack on Liver Cosplay

Got a Titan-sized thirst? Eren "Jäger" to the rescue! Attack on liver will commence shortly. This clever Attack on Titan cosplay definitely shows that kräuterlikör is still, uh, the hope of mankind.

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Asahi Beer Sizes

Japanese beer Asahi cans sure comes in all sizes! From the teeny mini 125 ml (4.2 oz / half a cup), 250 ml (1 cup), 300 ml (10 oz/soda can), 500ml (1 pint) to the gigantic 2 liter can (yeah, beer the size of the 2-liter soda bottles!), this beer comes in just the right size for "novice" to "expert" drinkers. Note that the 1-liter bottle and the 3-liter Asahi can are actually missing.

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The Great A'Tuin: The Early Years

All it needs are four elephants and a Disc, then this turtle's journey through space could begin! Imgurian achujciwcycki spotted this Great A'tuin-like turtle with mossy back swimming calmly through water - brown water to you and me, but probably octarine (you should ask a cat).

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Watch Out! We've Got Some Science Over Here!

Watch out! We've got some science over here! That's what you get when a badass librarian tries to channel a little bit of Neil deGrasse Tyson. Via Cheezburger

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