Concrete-Eating Robot

Demolishing a concrete building is usually done in a messy, brute force kind of way - with wrecking balls or explosives and the ensuing cloud of dust and debris - but if Omer Haciomeroglu has his way, that will be a way of the past.

Haciomeroglu, a student at the Umeå Institute of Design in Sweden, has designed a robot that literally erases concrete walls. The ERO (short for "erosion") robot uses pressurized water to break down concrete. "High-pressure water jets attack the micro cracks on the concrete surface, making it come apart," Haciomeroglu said to Fast Company, "It leaves the metal rebar inside naked and ready for reuse."

The broken down concrete are separated into its components of cement, sand, and aggregate, and packaged into neat bags to be transported to recycling plants - or even sold to someone constructing a new building nearby.

Check out more conceptual designs below:

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New T-Shirts from the NeatoShop:

Honk For Grandma!

Why spring for a hearse when you can carry grandma to the funeral (we hope) Little Miss Sunshine-style. This SUV was seen in Florida carrying a casket on its roof, with a hand-scribbled note on its back window saying "Honk for Grandma!"

We wonder if anyone actually honked. Via Huffington Post

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9 New Pun-nylicious Artworks by Hanksy

Fresh Prince of Taco Bel-Air in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

The graffiti artist/punster Hanksy is at it again. This time, he's traveled far from New York City to put up large posters in cities across North America. Here are a few of his pun-filled new work outside NYC:

Bill Murrito in Montreal, Canada

R2D2pac in Los Angeles, California

Daft Skunk in Hollywood, California

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Stalker Filing Cabinet Chases People Around

You just can't get away from paperwork. It follows you around!

Jaap de Maat, a graduate student at the Royal College of Art, United Kingdom, created a filing cabinet that follows people around. The art piece, titled I Know What You Did Last Summer, looks like a run-of-the-mill two-drawer gray filing cabinet, but when you approach it, it comes to life ... and starts chasing you!

De Maat was inspired to create the stalker filing cabinet to remind people that their online data is basically doing the same thing - just invisibly. "Around the period ... Snowden came out with his bombshell and I was quite shocked people mainly worried about surveillance," de Maat told Wired, "After more research I kind of wanted to make the point not so much people surveying us, but the fact it gets stored forever."

"I thought of the example of a lady that wanted to be teacher, but at the end of her course she didn't get a certificate because they'd Googled her and saw pictures of her drunk on the internet. They said that was inappropriate for a teacher. People need to be aware of online storage."

After acquiring the filing cabinet, de Maat installed wheels, distance sensors and an Arduino board to enable the cabinet to follow people during its exhibition at the lobby of the RCA building. Check out the video clip:

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After Celebrating 31 Anniversaries at a Red Lobster, a Widow Went Alone. It was a Normal Meal ... Until She Got The Bill.

For 31 years, redditor Coppin-it-washin-it's parents celebrated their wedding anniversary at a Red Lobster restaurant in Columbia, Missouri. In March, after his dad passed away, his sister decided to keep the tradition alive and took their mom out to the same restaurant for an anniversary meal.

The waitress asked if there was a special occasion, and the sister explained the situation:

The waitress asked if there was a special occasion or if they were just hungry. My sister explained that my parents had been going there every year for their anniversary. The waitress then asked why my dad wasn’t there and they explained how he had passed away in March. She said she was sorry to hear that and then it was just a normal meal like any other after that. Until they got the bill.

via Buzzfeed

Instead of a bill, the widow and her daughter got this note that said:

We are sorry to hear about your husband's passing, but we appreciate you loyalty in spending 31 years of your anniversary with us. For your appreciation your meal is on us! We look forward to spending you're your next anniversary with us!

Sincerely, Red Lobster & your server, Taylor

The image has since been deleted, but Red Lobster confirmed the story. "What Taylor, the server, and Chad, the manager on duty, did demosntrates how our teams live Red Lobster's core values of genuine caring and hospitality each day," spokesperson Erica Ettori told NewsChannel 5. "All of us at Red Lobster are truly proud of the Columbia team and appreciate their commitment to making every guest's dining experience a special one. We also extend our wishes to the family who dined with us and look forward to serving them again next year!"

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Duck of Justice

via Buzzfeed

Gotham has the bat, but the city of Bangor, Maine, has something that will have criminals ... ahem, "quacking" in their boots. Meet the Duck of Justice, the unofficial mascot of the Bangor Police Department.

"I happen to believe that police officers are a pretty humorous bunch," said Sgt. Tim Cotton to the Associated Press, "I want to read something that at least has some humorous undertones. I wouldn't connect to a page that I didn't want to read." So Sgt. Cotton, who's in charge of the police department's Facebook page, decided to feature a stuffed duck that he rescued out of the trash.

"We've been using Facebook for a few years of course, I just asked if I could do it a bit differently, present us [the police department] a bit differently. I think in general people like to be entertained. I know I do, so if you can combine information with a bit of humor, then why not?" he added to Bangor Daily News.

And so the Duck of Justice or DOJ was born.

Sgt. Cotton used the duck to connect with the public in sometimes humorous, sometimes serious ways. For example:

Officer Larby (what a ham!) and the DOJ have taken some time for a buckle-up selfie
to remind you to just do it.

The DOJ took off for the races this afternoon and he was whistling "More Than A Feeling" and I can't find my wallet ... he must be feeling lucky!

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Now Hiring - Must Have a Brain

Good news, everyone: Gen Korean BBQ House is hiring!
Bad news, everyone: You must have a brain to apply. Where's the fun in that?

Spotted over at our pal Pleated Jeans is this funny pic of a "Now Hiring" banner with a caveat "Must Have Brain" for a local restaurant.

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When You See It ...

via The Queen is Not Amused

Just be glad that you're not sleeping on this bed, because when you see it ...

What? No clue as to what you're supposed to be seeing? Show Clue

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At Last! A Veggie Burger That Contains Real Beef!

As the ads proclaim, Crompton's Beef Farm from Dorset, England, has cracked the marketing challenge of somehow selling meatful meatless veggie burger. "Made with the finest cuts of topside and sirloin from our own herd, Crompton's Veggie Burgers are the only vegetarian burgers on the market made with 100% REAL BEEF! All the TASTE of beef, all the GOODNESS of beef and all the BEEF of beef in a 100% vegetarian burger."

  • 100% Beef? Check
  • Nut-free? Check
  • Suitable for vegans? Check
  • Dairy free? Check

What more could you ask?

Via Off the Reservation

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Facebook Commenters are Steaming MAD at Steven Spielberg for Killing This "Innocent Animal"

A Facebook post aiming to publicly shame a recreational hunter posing with his recent kill picked an unfortunate example ... From the post:

Disgraceful photo of recreational hunter happily posing next to a Triceratops he just slaughtered. Please share so the world can name and shame this despicable man.

Problem is: the man is Steven Spielberg, who directed the 1993 dinosaur movie Jurassic Park, sitting next to a Triceratops model. And the fact that Triceratops went extinct 68 million years ago didn't seem to satisfy some of the most ardent Facebook posters.

When it was pointed out that the man was Spielberg, one commenter said "I dont care who he is he should not have shot that animal."

Another Facebook commenter added "I think zoos are the best way to keep these innocent animals safe ... a**holes like this piece of sh*t are going into these beautiful animals HOME and killing them ..." To which we can only say, clever girl.

Via Dangerous Minds and FAIL Blog

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Kicked the Bridesmaid in the Head and Ripped His Pants: All in All, This is a GREAT Wedding Photo!

The Internet is awash with epic wedding photos, but this one is undoubtedly the most epic wedding picture ever taken. It shows Tfoster7102 jumping high, kicking the bridesmaid in the head, and ripping his pants. Smooth dude, smooth.

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After Her Mom Died Unexpectedly, This Girl Turned Her Last Words Into a Wonderful Tattoo

One night in February 2011, Taylor's mother died of a heart attack in her sleep. To always remember her by, the 21-year-old college student decided to get a tattoo. She said in her Tumblr:

"It's on my left forearm. It's a note my mom left me the night she died. Here's a side-by-side shot of the two."

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Do You Have What It Takes To Find This Hidden Swimming Pool in the Middle of a Desert?

Social Pool (2014) by Alfredo Barsuglia

It's nice to take a dip in the cold crisp water of a swimming pool when it's hot outside, so it's doubly nice to go swimming when you're in the middle of a desert. The trick is, you've got to find the hidden pool.

Austrian artist Alfredo Barsuglia constructed Social Pool, an eleven-by-five feet wide swimming pool in the Mojave desert in southern California, open to anybody to use provided that they can find it. The pool's location is guarded by secret GPS coordinate, and is locked when not in use (you can ask for the key as well as the GPS coordinate at the MAK Center for Art and Architecture in Los Angeles).

The Social Pool is covered and locked when not in use.

"It's really hard to find," Barsuglia said to LA Times, "There is no road. There is no fence. There is no sign. There is no trail. You just come on it. I'm sure some people won't find it."

Barsuglia created the Social Pool as an art installation about "the effort of people make to reach a luxury good." Swimming pools, said Barsuglia, is often a hallmark of wealth. "I'm interested in the way that these are often integrated into the architecture of a house. And, often, people will have a pool, but they don't even get into it. They just like to show that they have it. It shows they don't have to think about water."

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Swedish Children's Book Gets Murderous Rather Quickly

According to internet rumor, this photo shows two pages from a Swedish children's book consisting of animal photos. Is the assassin goat urging you to indulge in your darkest desires? No! According to this online dictionary, "get" means goat and "killing" means kid--as in a baby goat. So despite the Swedish proclivity for burning straw goats, you should put the chainsaw back down. 

-via Hilary Simmons

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A Wheelchair Route for the Bold

(Photo: @s_konnyaku)

How well can you maneuver that wheelchair? You'd better be good, or you're going for a swim.

Annoying, but typical: the designers put the next save point on the far side of this path. If you want to continue the game, you'll have to spend a lot of time falling off this bridge.

Can anyone translate the text in this picture?

-via Brian Ashcraft

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