No, This Horse Isn't Horsing Around in the Living Room. He's Calmly Watching TV

Neigh, they're not horsing around in the living room. As you can clearly see, they're calmly watching TV together.

But where did the horse come from? They must've nicked it from somewhere.

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Featured Designs from the NeatoShop:

Lost in New York: Pregnant Tarantula

You've undoubtedly seen missing pet posters taped light poles near your home, but have you seen this distressing (in more ways than one) "lost" poster about Penelope, the Mexican Red Rump Tarantula?

Bonus: She's pregnat with hundreds of babies.

The sign, posted a neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York, in tsaid that the tarantula looks menacing, but she's mostly harmless:

I know she looks crazy scary, but she's mostly harmless. She's pregnant, so I'm hoping to find her before she has her babies. She's mostly active at night and likes to hide in dark corners. She shouldn't bite, but sometimes jumps when frightened. If you find her, please try to catch her and put her in a tupperware bowl with a few holes in the top for air.

So, Brooklynites you've got two choices: catch the tarantula or move out!

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Ready for BBQ Battle? You are with this AWESOME BBQ Tool Belt!

Summer's been here a while, so are you ready to BBQ? Perhaps this will help: The Pit Boss BBQ Tool Belt that stores over 15 barbecue tools and accessories.

The tool belt has space to hold your butane lighter, spatulas, tongs, grilling forks, pigtails, sauces and seasonings, meat thermometer, cell phone, bottle opener, and of course, cold beer (not one, not two, but three separate chambers for cold bottles or cans!)

See also: Top 10 Coolest BBQ Grills (And Then Some!)

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Surelock Homes

Locked out of your house? Sounds like a case for ... Surelock Homes! For him, fixing locks is elementary, my dear Watson. (But don't ask him about keys, because, you know, there is no key).

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Remembering Names

Someone told me the secret to remembering the names of people I just met, but I promptly forgot all about it. But I'm comforted that I'm not alone, as this comic from Sarah Andersen of Doodle Time illustrates.

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The A-Pooh-Calypse is Here!

Oh, Bother! The a-Pooh-calypse is here and it started in the Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, where hundreds of Pooh streamed out of the Hundred Acre Wood in search of honey (or is it human brains? In that case, poor Christopher Robin ... We all know that the bear ain't all that fuzzy and cuddly)

The pooh-lice didn't stand a chance!

We know that they love Winnie the Pooh in Poland (there's even a street in Warsaw named after the bear), but they didn't love him that much. This image is a clever Photoshop of a single guy in a Winnie the Pooh costume wandering the town's central square)

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Tetris + Tater Tots = Totris

No long piece? The maker of this Tetris tater tots (they should've called it "Totris") is so cruel! But to be fair, the only way to "disappear" these delicious Tetris tater tots is to do it Pac-Man style! Nom nom nom ...

If you're curious, it's actually a real product called Puzzle Potatoes by Monarch:

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The One Saga to Ruin Them All

Fantasy characters gathered on Facebook to tell the story of their people. And it shall continue. When George Takei posted this, it was followed by a slew of image macros in the comments that are quite funny.

Say what you will about Twilight, those books changed my youngest daughter from a slacker who looked at reading as a chore into a bibliophile who tries all genres. She knows now that the Twilight books were not high quality, but they were what she needed at age ten. She’s into Vonnegut now, and when she gets through those, I’ll introduce her to Douglas Adams and Solzhenitsyn.

-via Geeks Are Sexy

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Amazing Anatomical Body Paint Art

Photo: Thomas van de Wall

We've featured Gesine Marwedel's amazing body paint art before on Neatorama a while ago, but she's added many more amazing artwork.

"Body painting is not just paint to a living canvas; it is receiving the body shapes in the design, painting on and with the body," Marwedel wrote on her website. "It is the transformation of a human being into a breathing, moving, living work of art."

We're particularly struck with the surreal anatomical body paint designs. For example:

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Cute Puppy Rescued by Woman Turned Out to be a Wily Coyote

Wily coyote disguises self as cute puppy dog - via Imgur

"I thought it was a puppy at first," said Cheyenne Harboe, "Then I got closer, and he was really skinny, and I thought he was probably sick." So the Fort Worth, Texas, woman, wrapped the animal in a blanket, named him Taco, and took him to a nearby animal hospital.

That's where she learned that the cute puppy she thought she was rescuing turned out to be a coyote. And not just any coyote - it's probably a coyote with rabies.

Veterinarian Karen Metzler told FOX 4, "The lack of fear in this puppy sets off alarm bells for the potential for rabies. The potential for rabies exposure is present in wildlife, and coyotes are known to be a high reservoir host for rabies." Animal control was called and the coyote was euthanized.

Harboe's adventure didn't have the sweet ending she had envisioned. "I kind of regretted like trying to help him out 'cause of the whole animal control thing," she said.

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Learn to Fly Here!

You've probably seen the ironic photo of a crashed plane in a tree next to the sign that says "Learn to Fly Here" floating around the web or in your inbox, but you probably didn't know the story behind it.

Check-Six has the article, originally written by Christopher L. Freeze for the November 2007 issue of AOPA Pilot about the pilot who crashed:

... Brookham was flying the downwind leg of his first pattern, to the northeast of the runway, and starting to descend when, at around 5 pm and for no apparent reason, his engine lost power.

Brookham had an immediate feeling of something being very wrong. [...] 

Finishing with a check of his fuel systems, and unable to restart the engine, Brookham glided downwards.  But, with only 40 knots of airspeed, in the pitch black of the night, and with a wind-milling propeller, his options were limited.  He chose his base to land, lining up with the east-west road running near the airport, Judge Orr Road, and continued to glide downward for a forced landing.  He hoped to land on Judge Orr Road, and have the airplane stopped by the time he reached the intersection of Highway 24.

Brookham stated, "I was just trying to get the airplane down safe."  He knew that there were homes in the vicinity of the airport, and didn’t want to hurt anyone.  But, in the darkness, in the seconds before touchdown, as he tilted the plane’s nose downwards, he saw a frightening pairs of lights - those of an oncoming car!

Read the rest over at Check-Six

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Where Men Fear to Tread

It's a road every man fears to tread! The Weiner Cutoff Road is actually a real road in Weiner (pop 760), Poinsett County, Arkansas.

via Cubicle Bot

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Sleeping Bag with Legs

Sometimes blanket with sleeves, no matter how cool, are just not enough. When the weather is freezing cold, you need this: super insulates sleeping bag with legs.

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Model Airplane is Actually Yummy Chocolate

Need a fix of chocolate? Robert Cooper of the University of the Arts London, Central Saint Martins, has got something for you: a chocolate airplane that you can build into Airfix-style models.

The concept, designed for a project by chocolate company Cadbury, involves chocolate-filled shapes that are cracked from a wafer sheet. Customers can then assemble the models before eating the parts:

According to Deezen:

Cooper's design uses hollow-wafer technology – a wafer shell, made in two halves and formed over a mould. The resulting shapes are stamped out of the sheets and the two halves are brought together and filled with chocolate, which glues them in place.

In addition to the chocolate model airplane, Cooper envisioned other model-style chocolate snacks, including race car, horse, and even a Tyrannosaur rex.

View the full story over at Deezen.

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This Japanese Shrine is Dedicated to Curing Hemorrhoids

Now this is a shrine we can all get behind! There's a lot of religious places where you can pray to be cured of your ailments, but this one is rather specific. The Kunigami Shrine in Tochigi Prefecture, Japan, is dedicated to curing ... hemorrhoids.

According to tradition, those who wash their bums in the nearby river and then ate egg offerings at the Shinto shrine would be cured of hemorrhoids. But cleaning bare butts in the river is now frowned upon, so the shrine offers a "Butt Washing Stone" where people can point their backsides to, chant a few incantations, and be cured forever!

IT Media reports that about seventy people attended a recent festival at the shrine, and that fun was had by all!

via Oddity Central and Kotaku

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