Dune, Recreated with Gummi Candies

In Frank Herbert's sci-fi series Dune, Arrakis is a desert planet, but in this diorama, it's a dessert planet inhabited by gummy creatures. CandyWarehouse created this majestic rendition of Paul Atreides riding the giant sandworm in candies:

Crafted from a 2-foot-long gummy worm, Haribo gummy bears, black licorice string, yellow sprinkles, and rock candy crystals! A scene from the great science fiction novel Dune by Frank Herbert. Here we see the giant gummy worm on the desert planet of Arrakis. Ridden by the powerful gummy bear Paul Atreides as he seeks to control the prescious "spice" melange, which gives those who ingest it extended life and some prescient awareness. Muad'Dib!

Like they say, he who controls the sugar, controls the universe! Take a look at more epic pics:

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New T-Shirts from the NeatoShop:

Iconic Scenes from Aliens Recreated in LEGO

"Hold on Newt. We're coming for you!"

Now this is the coolest LEGO MOC outside of LV-426!

Missing Brick has created iconic scenes from James Cameron's 1986 sci-fi movie Aliens entirely out of LEGO bricks. Take a look at a few examples from the Aliens attack scene:

Ripley: They cut the power
Hudson: What do you mean, "*They* cut the power?" How could they cut the power, man? They're animals!


They're in here

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Perfect Condition

Fat Eddy is doing the same thing that mnost of us do when we come to the realization that we don't need that $500 piece of exercise equipment to hang our clothes on. Even though that's been its use for the past year. A bedpost will do. -via Bad Newspaper

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Infographic Shows How Much Underwear To Pack For A Trip

There’s one very important thing to consider when packing for a trip, whether it’s a weekend away or an extended stay, and that’s making sure you've packed enough underwear.

Good thing there’s this handy infographic created by well traveled traveler Reed Kennedy, so you can make sure your buns are covered for the entire trip.

Simply figure out how many days you’ll be away, and whether you’ll be doing any laundry while traveling, and this handy infographic will tell you how many pairs to bring along.

It may seem like common sense, but you’d be surprised how many people find themselves briefless in Seattle, a pair of boxers short in Brooklyn, or thongless in Thailand when they're trying to travel light.

-Via Gizmodo

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Confiscation Cabinets: 250 Things Confiscated From Schoolchildren ... Including THIS Scary Homemade Axe!

Guy Tarrant [auto-sound] is an artist and a teacher, and he's got the war trophies to prove it. In this "Confiscation Cabinets," Tarrant and contributors Mercedes Philips and Kim Campbell exhibited his collection of some 250 confiscated things over the past 30 years from 150 different schools in and around London.

Toys and sweets make up a big part of the collection, but there are also bottles of alcohol and actual and makeshift weapons that look like they belong in prison rather than grade schools. The exhibition was on display at The Museum of Childhood in East London, and is on display at the Life Science Centre, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, until November 2014.

Yes, that's a homemade axe confiscated from a Year 7 boy (students at this grade usually are of the age of eleven to thirteen). Tarrant noted that many of the confiscated items are from students with social, emotional and behavioral difficulties.

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Beach Library

Surf. Sand. Library.

Now those are three words that usually don't go together, but there's no reason they shouldn't. Herman Kompernas built a library on the sandy beach of the Bulgarian Black Sea resort of Albena and stocked it with over 2,500 books in 10 languages.

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Fireworks Will Add a Special Touch to Any Event ... Including This One

With over 20 years of experience, Sam should know that fireworks "will add a special touch to any event" ... including divorces. Because you know, what better way to end your marriage than with a bang?

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Napoleon Dynamite And Pedro All Grown Up

If you’re dreaming of a sequel to the cult hit movie Napoleon Dynamite you’ll just have to go on dreaming, because chances are Napoleon, and his little politician pal Pedro, aren’t coming back to the big screen anytime soon.

However, if you're wondering what Pedro and Napoleon will look like when they're all grown up wonder no more:

It looks like our unlikely heroes are still best buds, and their unique taste in fashion hasn't changed much either, but how did the future incarnations of two fictional characters find themselves waiting in line at a Subway restaurant, circa 2014?

It probably has something to do with extraterrestrial ligers....

-Via Cheezburger

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Fart Cannon

Fart, as you know, is a terribly effective weapon. It's only problem is aim and distance. You can't aim the bad smell and it's only effective in small areas. Until now.

Japanese prankster FARu ARuFa has created the Fart Cannon that lets you rip one towards an unsuspecting opponent far away.

First, you need a cardboard box and some tape:

Cut a round hole in the box to complete the air cannon, then test it out:

Success! Then, you need a hole in your pants ...

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This Iceberg Looks Like Batman

(Photo: unknown/Warner Bros.)

Mr. Freeze* now has an equally icy opponent. This iceberg looks just like the Dark Knight spawned on a cold night in Crime Alley.

-via Dave Barry

*I cannot determine if Victor Fries ever completed his doctorate and should therefore be addressed as "Doctor." He wrote a dissertation, but I find no evidence that he defended it successfully.

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RxMen: Comical Cures for Super Symptoms

Sometimes, even superheroes need a break from their superpowers. Now they can (no Hope Serum required!), thanks to a little help from illustrator Ryan Quickfall and Shutterstock.

Armorol: Effective treatment of heartburn & chestpain - perfect for Tony Stark!

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Train Music and More Street Art by Bordalo Segundo

Bordalo Segundo, a street artist in Lisbon, has been experimenting with train tracks lately. He uses their parallel lines to form shapes in larger images, such as the staff lines in sheet music or outstretched arms. You can see more of his work here.

-via Global Street Art

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Kid From Nebraska Takes 63 Billion Dollar Selfie

What should you do when you're walking by an ice cream parlor in Nebraska and spot an extremely rich man, and an extremely rich and famous man, sitting together on a bench?

You take a priceless selfie and post it to Instagram, that's what, which is exactly what teen Tom White did when he spotted Warren Buffett and Paul McCartney taking a load off in Omaha, Nebraska.

Paul looks reasonably amused by the kid's candid shot, while Warren looks like he's either going to wave for the camera, or shoo the kid away.

Apparently Paul had a concert that weekend in Lincoln, Nebraska (thanks Lou!), and Warren still lives in Omaha in "the same modest home he bought in 1958 for $31,500" (thanks Miss C!), so it looks like rare moments like this may happen often in Omaha...

-Via HappyPlace

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Q-tips: Men's Ultimate Multi-Tool

Q-Tips? These are Bro-Tips, my friends. Men's ultimate multi-tool, perfect for detailing, cleaning, and building. All 625 of them. It says so on the packaging. Plus, if you didn't catch the hint at first glance, there's the diamond plate.

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Game of Phones: Make an Iron Throne For Your Mobile Phone

Now that is a Game of Phones.

Imgurian tumb1r has decided to create a mini iron throne for his mobile phone with styrofoam, weatherproofing foam tape, mini cocktail swords, and hot glue. It looks awesome, but one thing's for sure: we won't be surprised if the phone dies soon.

Here's the making of:

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