This Is a Library Building

(Photo: Allison Meier)

Should you think outside of the box? Yes. But first, explore the world of knowledge within it. This architectural gem is The Square Head, a sculpture and functional library building designed by Sasha Sonso. It was completed in 2002 and now serves as part of the central library of Nice, France.

Although it looks like a black cube, the panels on the face are actually windows. It is 92 feet tall and has 3 interior floors.

-via Marginal Revolution

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New T-Shirts from the NeatoShop:

That Store

This store? No that store! We happened upon the That Store when walking around Flushing, New York, last week. I can't wait till the store becomes so successful that they can open more locations. At which point, you can then ask which That Store you're referring to: "This That Store" or "That That Store."

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40 Not Famous People Who Look Like Famous Celebrity People

Everybody has a doppelganger out there somewhere, a physical look-alike that may or may not be a famous Hollywood celebrity type person.

These doppelgangled people come from every walk of life, from celeb magazine readers to celebrity impersonators, and when Redditor Flyfishing94 asked folks if they have a celebrity look-alike they were happy to share side-by-side photos proving that they kinda look famous.

This young lady totally looks like Scarlett Johansson in the facial region:

(Image Via reddit/Getty/Frazer Harrison)

And is that Christian Bale chatting with you via webcam? Well, it ain't Batman!:

(Image Via Imgur/Getty)

Redditor rellik420 totally looked like Workaholic's Adam DeVine when he was a kid, or rather Adam DeVine looks like a young rellik420:

(Image Via Imgur)

Ummm, it looks like fictional characters are included as well, and this guy really does look like Woody from Toy Story, only about 50 percent less plastic:

(Image Via reddit)

And then there's the most stunning, most famous like look-alike of them all:

(Image Via reddit)

Looks kinda like Ben Stiller and EXACTLY like Zoolander! Total look-alike success!

Check out the rest of the 40 People Who Look So Much Like Celebrities It's Scary at BuzzFeed

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Brawl in the Ukrainian Parliament Neatly Illustrates the Golden Ratio

The Golden Ratio or Fibonacci numbers is a sequence of numbers consisting of the sum of the two previous numbers. It is found in nature and has long been a standard of beauty in Western art and architecture.

Now behold this stunning photo of a fistfight that broke out in Ukraine's national parliament. Manzil Lajura noticed what makes this image so elegant and the combatants so graceful: their bodies fit neatly within the Golden Ratio.

-via Blame It on the Voices

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Hey Girl, Check Out This Ryan Gosling-Themed Restroom

(Photo: crazycow7)

If you're feeling a bit constipated, will this restroom help or hurt you? If the former, then head to the Bang Bang, a bar and sushi restaurant in San Diego. Lauren Zupkus of the Huffington Post tells us that one restroom there is covered with pictures of actor Ryan Gosling. Sit down and stare into his dreamy eyes.

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Jeff Goldblum Co-Stars In Epic T-Rex Themed Wedding Photo

(Image Via Adam Biesenthal)

If you think Jeff Goldblum seems like a really fun guy to hang out with in real life, a great guy to invite to a party, then these fun Tyrannosaurus attack wedding photos will prove you right.

Jeff was in attendance at the wedding of his fiancee’s friend Pamela Sargent when the photographer (Adam Biesenthal) approached him about being in the T-Rex attack themed wedding photos, with the T-Rex added via photoshop so as not to endanger the guests.

Jeff agreed to play along, and now this lucky wedded couple has some of the most amazing wedding photos ever digitally manipulated.

Jeff’s expression is a mixture of acting scared and instantly regretting his decision to be in this photo series, because he’s gotta be tired of all the Jurassic Park references by now, right?

-Via Huffington Post

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Clever Jaws Hobo Nickel

I like Amy Armstrong's novel hobo nickel design that mimics the famous movie poster for Jaws. The shark has already had a meal, but he's ready for more.

-via Hobo Nickel Art

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Swiss Type Army Knife

Who could resist this ad for a Swiss army knife on sale! It may be an imitation, but it’s a genuine and authentic imitation! Can't argue with the fact that it's cheap, though.  -via Bad Newspaper

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Hilarious Renaissance Art Animated .Gifs

James Kerr, AKA "Scorpion Daggger,"  is an artist who specializes in collages and animated .gifs. When he combines the two, the results are comical. Lately, he's been splicing together images from Renaissance paintings to show unexpected scenes.

-via Juxtapoz

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Farmer Uses Elmo Doll as a Scarecrow

Do you want to frighten away animal predators and small children? Get yourself an Elmo doll and tie it by the throat to a wire fence. That's what one farmer in Japan did.

A suggestion for further improvement: get a talking Elmo doll and a motion sensor. Set them up so that Elmo calls out to passersby.

(Image: @amatou320)

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21 Years of Adventure

Redditor Ken_Thomas and his wife recently celebrated their 21st anniversary by having a portrait made. You’ll have to admit it turned out to be awesome. Compare it to the scene from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

Thomas explained that they’ve been doing anniversary portraits for the last few years, but this is the first time they dressed up for laughs. The inspiration was from reddit commenters anyway, who told him he resembled Sean Connery. To be honest, I heard his comments in Sean Connery’s voice, and it turns out that everyone else did, too!  

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33 Pictures Taken at Just the Right Moment

  Image: Imgur

People who take a ton of pictures know all too well that snapping the shot at the right split second is imperative when it comes to capturing good photos. They also know that doing so is harder than it seems. At times, the "perfect" shots are accidents, or the products of continuous high-speed (burst) shooting mode. Even if one plans a shot, if they're working with one or more moving subjects, it still takes a photographer with fast reflexes who is ready for anything to make the intended capture.

All the above verbiage to make the point that even if some of the shots featured in "33 Pictures Taken at the Right Moment" that appear spontaneous were actually planned, the execution was just right. (However if they're 'shopped, that's another matter.) Via Bored Panda. 

  Image: Imgur

Image: Reddit


Image: Imgur

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Sixteen Crazy Creative Versions of Batman's Cape & Cowl- Cape/Cowl/Create

(All Images Via Zeon Santos)

DC Entertainment, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and Vice Magazine invited twenty artists to come up with their own unique version of Batman’s cape and cowl for an exhibition called Cape/Cowl/Create, promoting the upcoming video game Batman: Arkham Knight.

The artist's interpretations ranged from Dark Knight approved deadly cool to uncharacteristically bright and cheerful, with a full LEGO interpretation included to round out the collection.

Here are some of the interesting, and extremely diverse, artistic interpretations of the cape and cowl found in this exhibition, which were unveiled at the Hard Rock Hotel- San Diego during Comic-Con 2014:

White tally marks, crosses and checks design by designer Justin Fines:

Glossy blue and black airbrushed design by tattoo/graffiti artist Mr. Cartoon:


Bright pink ice cream cone version by street artist/painter Buff Monster:

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Tricked by a Watermelon

How can you beat the scorching summer heat? Break open a watermelon and enjoy some cold, sweet, fruit. A friend of Twitter user @min18rff had that idea, but he bought the wrong watermelon. He could still turn it into a huge watermelon Jell-O shot. But only one.

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A Beautiful Cat Sleeping

The most beautiful cat in the world? I don’t know, but he sure is fetching. And even more interesting when he’s asleep.

These pictures were rearranged by redditor shayne9512 from a series posted by BitterRaven, but we don’t know who the original photographer is. This cat introduced me to a subreddit called Animals Being Derps, which I will have to visit again.

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