The Wicked Witch of the West Accepts the Ice Bucket Challenge

The Wicked Witch of the West from The Wizard of Oz is actually a kind-hearted person. She has now topped every other participant in the Ice Bucket Challenge from the ALS Foundation.

-via Tastefully Offensive

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Featured Designs from the NeatoShop:

Warning: Wardrobe Does Not Lead to Narnia

(Photo: Rohit Bhargava)

Sorry, shoppers. Although the easy-to-assemble cabinet smells fresh from cedar wood and will keep your clothing sorted properly, it does not lead to a magical world. There is no hidden door in the back, unlike some others.

-via Nerd Bastards

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A Pink Grasshopper

(Photo: Tim Parkinson)

It's a lovely shade of pink, which is not what you might expect from a grasshopper. Though rare, pink grasshoppers are occasionally spotted. Tim Parkinson found this one in Norfolk, UK.

What causes pink grasshoppers? Victoria Hillman, a wildlife biologist and photographer, explained a year ago in National Geographic. It's the result of a genetic mutation similar to albinism:

It is called erythrism an unusual and little-understood genetic mutation caused by a recessive gene similar to that which affects albino animals. This mutation results in one of two things happening or even a combination of the two; a reduce or even absence of the normal pigment and/or the excessive production of other pigments, in this case red which results in pink morphs. Although it was first discovered in 1887 in a katydid species, it is extremely rare to see these pink morphs so you can imagine our delight at finding so many in one area and they probably all have the same parents both carrying the recessive gene. All the individuals we found were nymphs and a couple of things can now happen if they make it to adulthood, they can lose the pink colouring altogether, they may stay pink or even be a variation between the two! We will be checking back on these individuals throughout the coming weeks and months to see what happens.

-via Kotaku

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Intimate Portraits Of Teens In Mosh Pits

It's said to have started with the punk pogo, then it went on to become hardcore slam dancing before the bastardized pronunciation of mash left us calling them mosh pits, but whatever you call them chances are you know the scene- a bunch of people at a hardcore or metal show thrashing about with reckless abandon. 

Photographer Emily Stein captures the feeling of being up close and personal with your fellow hard music lover in the pit in her photo series 'Saturday's Mosh', capturing today's punky teens in their natural environment.

Emily's images captures the chaos, emotion and general giddiness felt by her kid subjects as they take in a show, and they're likely to make those who've dwelled in their share of mosh pits feel nostalgiac.

-Via DesignTAXI

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Sleepy Bird

(Photo: Molaire & Tentacules)

At the end of a long day, the topiary laid back and slept.

I'm having trouble determining the origin of this bush, but I gather that it is located in Le Jardin de Plantes, a botanical garden in Paris. It may have been inspired by the work of the children's book illustrator Claude Ponti.

-via Lustik

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8 Wedding Photos Taken at Precisely the Wrong Moment

(Photo: unknown)

Or at the perfect moment, depending on your point of view. Is this blushing bride reaching out to grab that workman's tush? No, it's just the angle of the shot. She's actually looking at something else off-camera. I'll let you guess what that is.

This is 1 of 8 awkward wedding photos rounded up by Kelsey Borresen of the Huffington Post. There appears to be no Photoshop involved--just bad timing.

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Noah’s Cake

When you keep your expectations low enough, you’ll never be disappointed. According to redditor xdrtypopx, this cake was for an intern who completed the term. Judging from the Batman logo and the Hannah Montana decoration, it was probably a fairly young intern. Best of luck in the future, kid!

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Embarrassingly Bad School Dance Photos

Every year elementary, junior high and high school students have extremely embarrassing photos taken of them as part of the educational experience, photos of their awkward phases captured for posterity and placed in a photo album to be shared with friends and family.

Class photos are one thing, but there is nothing more embarrassing than a pic taken before a school dance, especially if you’re like the kids in this collection of cringe-worthy pics, kids who thought it would be a great idea to dress and act creatively for the photo.

There's the duct tape Warhol duo, who are totally going to blow people's minds at the dance, there's the creepy trio who look like they might know each other a little too well, and then there's this camel clutch loving couple, who are looking forward to a career in professional wrestling:

They kinda make your old school photos seem pretty alright, don't they?!

-Via Guff

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Planet Express Is Feeling The Economic Crunch

Everything has gone downhill for the Planet Express gang since their reality show Futurama was officially cancelled.

First Fry, Amy, Leela and Zoidberg had to get new jobs to help pay the bills, then Hermes left to tend his indoor "farm", and Bender was never really into the whole delivery service game so he decided to devote the rest of his battery life to crime.

Left with nothing but Scruffy and the ship Professor Farnsworth was forced to set Scruffy free and sell most of the ship for scrap:

Now, instead of delivering packages, Planet Express delivers people to their chosen destinations, relatively unharmed...

-Via Nerd Approved

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A Map of the Introvert's Heart

Comic artist (and introvert) Gemma Correll draws a map of the introvert's heart. This introvert thinks she pretty well nailed it. Are you an introvert? If so, what do you think? Would you add or subtract any regions on the map?

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Creepy Portraits Of People Covered In Junk Food

Photographer James Ostrer has taken the idiom you are what you eat far too literally in this deliciously creepy photo series full of portraits of people covered in sugary sweets and junk food:

The images may be terrifying to those who are on a diet, and might make people with a serious sweet tooth consider cannibalism for the first time, but they also bring to light another issue facing people today- the torture of innocent models.

Imagine being one of the unlucky models posing for this series, having to endure hours of food slathering, and the inevitable acne to follow, only to have your true identity obscured by food.

And the worst part of all is the fact that models can't even eat junk food, talk about your tasty torture!

-Via Junk Culture

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Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius Looked a Lot Like Screech

(Images: Livius, NBC)

Webcomic artist Zach Weinersmith noticed the uncanny resemblance. Marcus Aurelius, the Emperor of Rome from 161-180 A.D., had a similar face and hairstyle of Screech Powers, a character on Saved by the Bell. Perhaps the Sage of Bayside High School will also be remembered as a philosopher king.

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Charlie Brown's Wheels

Redditor Thegrizzlybearzombie spotted Charlie Brown and his dog Snoopy on the streets in Traverse City, Michigan. If you look closely, you’ll see that Snoopy has a GoPro camera attached to his Sopwith Camel. Be on the lookout for these two soon in a video. I bet they have their soundtrack already picked out.

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Erotica for Foodies

From Wikipedia: 

Food porn is a glamourized spectacular visual presentation of cooking or eating in advertisements,infomercials, cooking shows or other visual media, foods boasting a high fat and calorie content, exotic dishes that arouse a desire to eat or the glorification of food as a substitute for sex.

Gemma Correll poking fun at the notion of food porn is perfect for a weekend diversion — and right on target.

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Employees Who Have Clearly Given Up On Their Jobs

(Image Via acid cow)

Working a nine-to-five job can really get you down, and it’s not uncommon for overworked and bored employees to check out midway through a work week, because in their minds it’s already the weekend.

These employees can’t help but show their apathy for the job, and an apathetic employee is a sloppy employee.

(Image Via lolzbook)

It's surprising how many workers completely give up on trying to do their job right, yet can't help but share their lack of caring with the world:

(Image Via gosmellthecoffee)

They might as well come in to work with a shirt that reads "Take this job and shove it!", or just stay at home instead of coming in to work their shifts, but it seems money will make even the most apathetic employee pretend to give a crap about their job:

(Image Via acid cow)

Check out the rest of the 32 Service Workers Who Aren't Even Trying Anymore over at Distractify

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