Did I Get Drunk and Get A Ph.D?

(Photo: freedomfighter1982)

He's an incredible scientist when he's drunk. Otherwise he's a simpleton.

You just might be able to convince a friend/prank victim of this if you repeat the process a few times. 

(Headline credit goes to redditor Mayson023)

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Featured Designs from the NeatoShop:

A Quick Bite to Eat

Aerial drones can deliver food to your doorstep. But nature was already working on this design concept long before humans conceived of it.

Photo credit: unknown | via American Digest

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Dinner Party Time, Puppy!

(Photo: unknown)

Here is a perfect ad placement in what I would guess is the Gazette-Mail, a newspaper in Charleston, West Virginia. A recent Associated Press story informs us that dog meat has fallen out of fashion in South Korea. Eating dogs has been a tradition in that land dating back at least several centuries. But younger people increasingly tend to see dogs as pets.

-via Ka-Ching!

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A Robin Williams Time-Lapse Portrait That Will Move you To Tears

I think in many ways, a lot of us were affected by Robin William's suicide. The man just hid those tears and fears so well, none of us knew he has struggling and hurting. That, in turn, made the news even more shocking. Seems YouTube artist Heather Rooney took some time to sit down and do a rather breathtaking and photo-realistic portrait of the sad star, and she captured the whole thing on time lapse so we can see it slowly breathe to life. In the wake of the news, there is something rather haunting about this. But you cannot deny the girl has some real talent.

(YouTube Link)

Anytime someone can do a photo realistic piece of art it always blows my mind, but the subject here is what makes it so poignant. It is like we watch him come to life on the paper, only to be reminded that we will never again see that manic, brilliant performer shining. It's odd, but by the end of the video, you have a tear in your eye.


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This Stereo Comes with Two Sub-Woofers

And the base really stands tall. Bark up the volume.

-via Tastefully Offensive | Photo: Teckelwereld

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A Mustache Mustache

I mustache you a question: how did this happen? Well, redditor RyanHasWaffleNipples explains:

My buddy jokingly decided to get a henna tattoo of a mustache while at the beach. The foreign worker didn't understand what he was saying, so she asked him to write down what he wanted. This was the result.

The labelling is accurate.

-via Tastefully Offensive

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Moon Hill: The Mountain with a Hole in It

(Photo: Maria Ly)

Guangxi Province, on China’s border with Vietnam, contains this natural wonder known as Moon Hill. The mountain is called that because the hole that goes straight through it is shaped like the moon.

(Photo: James Heilman)

Moon Hill is about 1,200 feet high. It's a popular tourist destination that offers a unique and fantastic view of the mountains on either side.

(Photo: Supreo75)

It's also popular with climbers who are looking for a vertical challenge.

-via Kuriositas

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The Penalty for Public Urination

No public urination! The rule is clear, but this addition to the standard sign in the Czech Republic spells out the consequences clearly. A fine can be paid and forgotten, but YouTube is forever.

And this is the same country that has a public fountain featuring a pissing contest between two statues.

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Is This Cord In Stock or Out of Stock?

(Photo: unknown)

Yessir, you need some of Home Depot's invisible cord. We call it that because only intelligent, wise, and good-looking people can see it. To everyone else, it's invisible. How many would you like to have today? I can bring them directly to the register for you.

-via reddit

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Dear Sandwich Thief

When an office is under attack by a nefarious sandwich thief, one employee dares to step up and write the passive-aggressive note that started it all:

The employee clearly thought this appeal to the thief's sense of maturity and dignity would end the sandwich stealing madness, but the thief was not so easily deterred:

Soon a war of notes was underway, a battle of wits with the very life of a Turkey and Swiss with Mayo on Rye hanging in the balance.

The thief demanded a ransom, but the man wasn't about to give in to the demands of a deli style terrorist:

Their threat to involve HR met with little concern, as the thief upped the ante by including photos of the kidnapped, and totally innocent, sandwich with his next note:

Is this sandwich mystery exposed by More FM real, or the product of bored office workers looking for something to do on their break?

Where does this tangled web of Turkey and Swiss and thievery go from here? Does HR ever get involved, or were those the empty threats of a grieving, and hungry, victim?

Discover the stunning conclusion to this tale of sandwich thievery here!

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Tiger Hand Painting

Lara Hawker, a face painting and special effects artist, frames the fearful symmetry of the tiger with a bit of paint and a lot of skill. She writes, "Thought I'd try something a little out of my comfort zone." I'd love to see more work like this!

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Disgraceful Discrimination at a Community College

Like many colleges and universities across the United States, Hinds Community College in Raymond, Mississippi is making use of online education to extend the reach of its instruction. Humans who can access the internet can access its classes.

But not goats. The college's eLearning page is quite clear about that.

-via Marginal Revolution

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A Completely Out-Of-Context Photo That Sums Up the Internet

Image Via

Sometimes, the best thing about the internet is the random insanity it throws at us out of context. Take, for example, this photo. It evokes thoughts of Walter White chilling with the family, eating some snacks. The best part is, we really have no idea what is going on here. Apparently, someone with a surplus of money (we wont ask how) also needed a place to lay their nachos, salsa, and guac. What better place, we ask, then a giant pallet of (what must be laundered) money? Honestly, I can think of many places better to eat nachos off, but that is not the point here.

The point here is this is a perfect image for a lazy Sunday afternoon. It pretty much sums up the internet, and in the process, is something that 90% of us will not be able to relate to. Heck, I can't even afford the nachos. To whomever felt the need to both do this and photograph it to show the world, we are not sure if we admire you, or hate you.

Probably a little of both.


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Do Not Enter

This sign makes it very clear that you are not to go in here. It also addresses the possibility that you look at such signs and say, “Or else what?” like I sometimes do. The consequences are clear. -via reddit

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A Lesson Learned the Hard Way

He told her he didn’t need to find a wall stud, because he had half-inch toggle bolts. It worked for about a month, but when it did’t, it was a complete disaster. It took some guts for northfoggybrook to post the picture, but it was too funny not to. Along with some funny jokes and endless ribbing, commenters were glad to give advice on how to hang your TV on the wall the right way. That is, for when he can afford to buy another TV.   

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