Nothing Happened

Just so we're absolutely clear, nothing of any significance happened on this site in 1897. The sign says so.

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New T-Shirts from the NeatoShop:

Give Your Body What It Deserves: Nut Punch

Like the sign says, it's an "all natural cold-pressed snack to give your body what it deserves!" especially after you've been a bad boy! (Oh, it's a real product, all right!). A dollar fifty seems kind of high for what your bros would gladly give for free.

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"Intentionally Better Products"

When you make 120 lb of anything, you better be sure that you don't accidentally make a better product. That's got to be intentional right from the start! Thankfully, that's what the company Sta-Lube of Rancho Dominguez, California, did. They made "intentionally better products," like this 120 lb drum of super white grease.

via John Hodgman

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30 Mind-Blowing Examples of Long Exposure Photography

Photo By Terja Sorgjerd

Long exposure photography is awesome. I could sit here and use a thesaurus to try to choose fancier words to open with, but really, long exposure photography is awesome. Doesn't matter how you say it. It gives the photographer the time to capture more than just one moment, it gives them the opportunity to catch a section of time, and represent it in one photo. Sometimes, the end results can show us a surreal version of our own daily lives, sped up so we can see just how fast and constantly we are always moving.

Airows put together this amazing gallery of long exposure photography that we cannot recommend enough. They also took the time to make sure each piece was credited to the proper artist. So if you see a shot that really steals your breath, Google the name. All too often in galleries like this, the work is admired and displayed, but the artists get uncredited. Nice to see them getting the props they deserve for their stunning work.

It also gives us all a chance to look at life a different way, and remind us there is beauty in everything. Even our maddening, hyper-fast, daily lives.

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Amazing Photo: A Layer of Ice off a Leaf

A couple winters ago, redditor SearonTrejorek snapped this incredible photo at Winthrop University in Rock Hill, South Carolina. Beautiful!

SearonTrejorek smashed it on the ground after taking the photo. He should have instead heeded the advice of another redditor and sold it on eBay. That's worth at least a $100.

-via Twisted Sifter

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Award Winning Artist James Jean To Release Book of Temporary Tattoos

Image Via James Jean

If you are not familiar with the work of James Jean, you should take a moment to check out his site. A Taiwanese-American artist, his work has hints of the East and West as clear influence, and to try to tie him down with just one style is impossible. With a nice balance between fine art and commerical work, he is that artist many artists strive to be, riding that line between keeping your art a passion, yet also managing to find a fan base and make a living off of it.

One cool way he decided to do that was to release a book of temporary tattoos of his amazing work. Though the book is not set to drop until September 16th, you can pre-order it now and ensure you have one of the nicest collections of temporary tattoos ever.

Growing up in the 80's, temporary tattoos were always the same thing. A big black cat or the word "Mom" inside a heart. Maybe a butterfly or two for the ladies. Other than that, nothing. But it is safe to say times have changed. One of the cooler things we have seen in a while. We hope more artists jump on-board with this idea. I wouldn't mind walking around with some James Jean or Tara McPherson art on me.

Via SuperPunch

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The Most Evil Rug

Try to walk over this rug without unconsciously tripping over it. Just try.

Then search for a hidden staircase. The rug ties the room together, but there's a good chance that there's a secret passage down there.

-via Tastefully Offensive | Photo: PaperkutRob

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Space Shuttle Endeavor and International Space Station, Photographed Together

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Though I am sure none of us travel to space enough to know the above photo occurance is rare, but it is rare. While many of us weened of film look at that and immediately think of the movie Gravity, stop and ponder for a second how this is real. That is a space shuttle Endeavor docked to the International Space Station, as they both float around in outer space.

It is the kind of thing that just kind of steals your breath for a moment when you imagine the reality of it. How quiet it must be up there. How scary it must be while docking. To the astronauts on the Endeavor, it is just another day. To the rest of us, it is nothing short of jaw dropping.

For those curious, a departing supply ship took the photo. The weirdest part? I can see my house from here.


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This Baby Was Born Ready to Rock

(Photo: Hazuki)

Some of us are ready to rock only after extensive training and preparation. But this little girl was born ready. It's especially fitting that she's showing the double sign of the horns because she's the daughter of Hazuki, a singer with the band Grollschwert. This band from Osaka bills itself as a "melodic deathrash metal band." He's at the front and center of the photo below.

(Photo: Grollschwert)

Where did the baby get her metalness? It's in her blood.

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Do You Want to Build a Snowman?

(Photo: unknown)

It doesn't have to be a snowman. It can be a mutated snowbeast that will destroy our enemies.

Well, it will once I get a grant that can fund one of sufficient size.

Yes, I know: and pass the institutional review board's requirements for radiation usage. There's always one more obstacle in the path of mad science.

-via Pleated Jeans

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Giant Walking Dragon Seen Around France

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If you are not familiar with the work of art collective La Machine, we suggest you do so immediately. Known for huge, moving, working art instillations that they then use to walk around and interact with people and surroundings. Though all their work has been nothing short of awe-inspiring, their latest piece seems to be setting the art world on fire.

I said that because it is an actual working dragon who breathes fire.

The project is being titled Long Ma Jing Shen, which roughly translates to "The spirit of the horse dragon". Check out more about it here at Screenburn

Besides the amazing joints and flaming mouth and scultpure work, the fact that there are kids on the sidewalks openly weeping tells me these guys made a pretty awesome creation and definitely breathed some life into it. Honestly, a fire-breathing dragon making kids cry in the streets of France? I think few can deny just how awesome that is.

Super Punch

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Freaky Panoramic Photo Fails

There’s an art to taking a good panoramic photo, and a proper technique for every type of smartphone that will help ensure you end up with a clean panorama pic.

However, even with the best software and newest smartphone sometimes things can go horribly wrong when you’re trying your best to properly pan and shoot:

(Image Via Digital Spy)

It's not your fault that the subject keeps moving while you're trying to shoot, but maybe after they see the resulting panoramic nightmare they'll try to stay still next time you're shooting:

(Image Via Imgur)

But if you're into surreal photography, and you've figured out how to properly glitch a panoramic photo, you can take some pretty unusual shots

(Image Via We Heart It)

See more Failed Panorama Photography Turns The World Into A Creepy, But Interesting, Place

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Kids Who Totally Stole The Show On Picture Day

Most kids don’t look forward to school picture days, the pictures are taken for their parent’s sake after all, but those wonderful kids who look forward to the experience are destined to grow up to be superstars:

(Image Via DailyDawdle)

They have the look, the attitude, and after these photo sessions their respective schools decided to shut down picture day, because they knew it would get no better than this:

(Image Via Awkward Family Photos)

However, not all kid pics are taken at school, parents love to take their kids in to the studio for some really special photo sessions:

(Image Via Last Laugh Group)

After all, karate masters and roller dancing superstars aren't allowed to do their thing on school grounds, and when parents let their superstar kids shine after school the photographic memories are priceless!:

(Image Via Bon Apprenant)

Check out the rest of the 21 Kids Who Shut Down Picture Day over at BuzzFeed

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Edvard Munch's The Scream Takes the Ice Bucket Challenge

At one shocking moment, the Norwegian painter Edvard Munch suddenly felt the icy existential horror of the human experience. Then he wrote:

I was walking along the road with two friends
The Sun was setting – the Sky turned blood-red.
And I felt a wave of Sadness – I paused
tired to Death – Above the blue-black
Fjord and City Blood and Flaming tongues hovered
My friends walked on – I stayed
behind – quaking with Angst – I
felt the great Scream in Nature
So I challenge the Mona Lisa and Whistler’s Mother

-via Simon N. Ricketts

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"We Own The Future" Shepard Fairey Mural Appears in Manhattan

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It has been amazing to witness the leaps and bounds street art has come over the course of the last 20 years. What started as something that was shunned and misunderstood has completely evolved into a respetable and appreciated art style (by most), with more and more street artists reachng superstar status. One of those street artists is Shepard Fairey, who most know best from his Obama, two-toned HOPE poster, though he has been doing this for most of his life.

A recent new piece sprung up on the Lower East Side of Manhatten that was created by Shep. It bodly states: We Own The Future, and seems to harken back to his OBEY days (old schoolers will understand that his Obey pieces are what initially made him known).

In my opinion, all that does is make the city more beautiful. It adds splashes of color and ecourages free thought. What is better than that?


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