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Image: WhatDoesntKillYou

Something witty is loading! This bar/restaurant chalkboard sign is probably advertising that the joint's Wi-Fi is a bit slow today.

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Featured Designs from the NeatoShop:

I Don't See Why Everyone Is Excited about the Apple Watch

(Photo: PeanutbutterPirate)

The Apple Watch, which premiered yesterday, is allegedly a revolution in wearable computing. But it seems really ordinary.

I can't get the WiFi to work. Maybe it was a bad idea for forego the protection plan.

-via Tastefully Offensive

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Mel Brooks Used Prosthetic Sixth Finger For His Print on Walk of Fame

You gotta give it to the guy. Mel Brooks has been making people laugh for years now, and Monday, when the time came for him to leave his handprints at TLC Chinese Theater along Hollywood's Walk of Fame, he continued that streak of hilarity. Though many did not notice at first, it seems Mel Brooks wore a prosthetic extra finger on his left hand that was so realistic, even looking at the above picture it is hard to tell it is fake. 

What makes this so great is in 100 years, when some kid is being dragged down that street by his tourist parents, he is going to catch a glance at Mel Brooks' hand print in the cement, and for one small moment in time, this kid is going to believe you can make it in Hollywood if you are a mutant. That, my friends, is awesome.

If you didn't already love him for Spaceballs and Blazing Saddles, you have to love him for this.

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Help A Thief

Commas are powerful - that's what Raynato Castro and Alex Culang of Buttersafe webcomic wants you to know before you yell out, "Help A Thief!"

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Lady Cassandra Sandwich

This is what you get when your Doctor Who parent makes your lunch! The Tardis blue cracker is a nice touch, but the Lady CassHAMdra sandwich is genius (no 708 plastic surgery operations or a visit to Platform One required!)

For those of you non-Whovians, this is the Lady Cassandra reference:

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Now THAT is an Organized Beach!

All images: Bernhard Lang

Now that's an incredibly organized beach!

German photographer Bernhard Lang took a wonderful set of aerial photographs of the highly organized beach off the coast of the Adriatic Sea in Italy, between Ravenna and Rimini.

Take a look:

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Reverse Panhandling

Photo via @mennesseynews

Most people expect to get things on their birthdays, but not Bob Blackley of Winston-Salem, North Carolina. On his birthdays for the past three years, the 59-year-old man stands in the middle of a busy intersection giving out $5 to hundreds of strangers.

Call it a case of "reverse panhandling" - Last week, Blackley held a sign saying "I have a job. I have a home. Could YOU use an extra $5?" while he handed out the bills.

While a lot of people look at him suspiciously, thinking that he's trying to sell them something, Blackley told Michael Hennessey of Fox 8 News. But one man told him that he'd use the money to buys medicine he couldn't afford to pay for.

Blackley gave out $700 the first year, then $750 the next year, and $800 the year after that - all with no strings attached. "Anything they want, if it puts a smile on their face, it's theirs," Blakely said. And as for his motivation, Blackley said that his reason is simple: "Glad I woke up, glad I'm able to do it. That's what life is all about, smiling."

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Every Pizza is a Personal Pizza if You Try Hard Enough

When some people say "pizza for dinner," they really mean it! This reminds me of Bill Murray's joke that every pizza is a personal pizza if you try hard enough and believe in yourself.

Oh, and egg on a pizza? Yum or yuck, guys?

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Parenting in Today's Internet Age

Parenting? There's an app for that (or you can just let the little tyke browse Neatorama!)

Our pal Dan Piraro of Bizarro tells us how to properly parent your kid in today's Internet age (by the way, all those websites are already taken but not yet developed).

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So, Which American English Dialect Do You Speak?

It's not whether you speak English ... it's what dialect of American English do you speak.

A decade ago, Robert Delaney of Long Island University put together a map of the various American English dialects (and subdialects) that exist in the United States.

A few examples:

Eastern New England (1) This is one of the most distinctive of all the American dialects. R's are often dropped, but an extra R is added to words that end with a vowel. A is pronounced AH so that we get "Pahk the cah in Hahvahd yahd" and "Pepperidge Fahm remembuhs."

Boston Urban (2) Like many big cities, Boston has its own dialects that are governed more by social factors like class and ethnicity than by geographic location. Greater Boston Area is the most widely spoken and is very similar to Eastern New England. Brahmin is spoken by the upper aristocratic class like Mr. Howell on Gilligan's Island.

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Parental Advice: Mom vs Dad

Need an advice? Your parents will gladly give you one, regardless if you want it or not. This chart above sums up the difference between the advice you will get from your mother and from your father ("carpe a job" - Hah!)

I noticed that the advice that your mom and dad would give you when you get cuts and scrapes isn't there, so here it is:

When You Get Hurt Playing Let me clean that up and put a band-aid for you. Be careful next time. Walk it off, buddy.

Can you think of any more motherly or fatherly advice?

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Book Shadow Sculpture at the Library

via Amy Catherine's Pinterest

This is fantastic: a library in Mountain Home, Arkansas, has a wire sculpture that looks like a jumbled mess but casts a shadow that looks like a stack of books!

Does anyone know the sculptor's name?

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Plot of Practically All X-Files Episodes

The truth is up there.

Besides the mytharc episodes, this set of pictures by Redditor thepizzapeople basically explain all X-Files Monster-of-the-Week episodes. You know, to think about it, Mulder could've solved his problem of people not believing his stories simply by bringing a video camera with him.

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Global Warming: Aquaman's Revenge

Aquaman has had it with all the talk that he's the world's most useless superhero, and he's hatched a devious plan to have his revenge on all the naysayers. J.L. Westover of Mr Lovenstein webcomic (previously on Neatorama) explains how Aquaman is the real culprit behind global warming.

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Too Soon

Calgary, Alberta, got its first snowfall of the season yesterday. What season is that? Summer, by my calendar. I have to agree with the snowman, that’s too soon! The good news is that their weather forecast has warmer temperatures by this weekend. -via reddit

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