Pineapple Hair

(Photo: unknown)

Now I have a new goal in life. It is to be cooler than this guy. I'm not sure how I'll pull it off. But it has to be more awesome than having a haircut that makes your head look like a pineapple.

(Video Link)

Here's a video that shows how this man pictured above--or possibly someone else--got his pineapple hairstyle. Jamie Jay Car Videos recorded Wayne Marshall visiting Kube Barbers in Clearwater, Florida to get pineappled.

If the photo shows someone other than Mr. Marshall getting a pineapple head, then there are at least two such gentlemen in the world, making my new life ambition even more challenging.

-via Flavorwire

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New T-Shirts from the NeatoShop:

I'll Have Two Scoops of Chocolate on Pine, Please.

(Photo: 64Olds)

I admire this ice cream parlor for offering a different take on cones. Maybe it could also offer retinal, volcanic, and traffic. Now place your order.

-via Tastefully Offensive

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Designer Garbage

This intriguing idea plays upon a most outlandish insecurity that you probably never even considered. While it's true that your garbage collector knows a lot about you, like what you got for Christmas, what kind of pets you own, and when your child was toilet trained, it's highly unllikely that any of the neighbors ever look at your garbage. My town even has a regulation that all household garbage be tied in bags. My guess is that few, if any, customers expressed interest in paying for this service. Found at Bad Newspaper.

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Perfectly Timed Photo Shows a Basketball Solar Eclipse

Redditor MDPPatrick snapped this photograph at just the right moment. His brother tossed the basketball into the air. When the camera shutter opened, the ball was blocking out the sun, creating the impression of a solar eclipse.

-via Twisted Sifter

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34 People Having Fun with Statues

It's a beautiful and grand statue that you walk by every day. You ignore it until it settles into the background of your life. But other people see great opportunities for hilarious photos. Abraham of 22 Words rounded up 34 pictures of people playing around with statues to great comedic effect.

Images: unknown

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The 26 Feels Every Guy Goes Through When Shopping With His Girlfriend

Image Credit: Crosa

I will admit to you all that most men do not like going shopping with their lady. It is not an act of disrespect or disregard, but we just do not have the patience to sit there while our girlfriends and wives try on a multitude of outfits for hours at a time, while we sit on a bench at a store, looking dead inside. This is not to say all women shop like that, and all men don't like it. That would be an unfair generalization. That being said, there is an element of truth to what I just said. Heck, half the guys I know don't even try on clothes when they shop. They just buy the right size and hope it works out. But women can be a different story. 

So maybe some people wonder what it is like for a man when he goes shopping with his girlfriend. The strange range of emotions he must go through. Well, put together a list of the 26 feels that all men go through when shopping with their lady, and if nothing else, it is really good for a laugh.

It is mostly told in gifs and single sentences like a story. But I would be lying if I were to say, as a man who sat on many a stool for many an hour waiting for the ladies in my life to pick clothes, a few of these had me laughing out loud at how true-to-life they are.

Also, no disrespect meant to any females. We love you, that is why we suffer for you. Selflessness, after all, is a big part of love.

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Two Anonymous Artists Sneak Into Classroom Every Night and Do Elaborate Chalk Drawings

ImageCredits: Danger Dust

One thing about school is, it can a little tiring at times. You trot from class to class, and over the course of the day, it is hard to keep that fire burning inside. But what if, every time you entered one of the classrooms, there were staggering works of art drawn on the board to inspire the class? Do you feel like that would make a difference? Well, mystery art collective, DangerDust, do just that. Descibed as "two anonymous artist who love chalk dust", they are like the Banksy of the chalk art movement.

The Awesome Daily assembled this brilliant gallery of their work to show people just how mind-blowing something simple as chalk on a blackboard could be. Just the way in which they blend amazing quotes with art that, at times, looks as if it is coming in three dimensions of the board itself, will leave you in awe. 

Also, this makes you think. The next time you see a kid doubled over some chalk, doodling away in his driveway, stop and take a moment to realize where that could potentially lead one day.

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Illustrated Guide to Dogs of the World by Lili Chin

Los Angeles-based artist and animator Lili Chin's personal project "Dogs of the World" features canines grouped by their areas of origin. Chin began the series in 2008 as a way to fund a local dog rescue called Boston Buddies.

Since the project's inception, its scale has expanded greatly, and its existence has proved beneficial to a number of pet rescue organizations. As Chin says,

"In the past five years, Doggie Drawings has evolved into a full-time (one-person) pet portrait and illustration business.  So far, I have drawn over 800 unique pet portraits and donated a total of $13,242 to many dog rescue groups."

These dogs may hail from distinct parts of the world, but the love many humans have for them is universal. See more of Chin's dog drawings from many other regions of the world here. Via Design Taxi.

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Clever, Visual Representations of Famous Quotes

Image Credit: Ryan McArthur

A quote that gets you at the right time, when you really need it, can be like food for the soul. It can get you out of bed, it can inspire you, and it can shift how you feel in that moment. Honestly, a powerful quote can lock itself in your brain and you can carry it with you, the rest of your life. Seems artist Ryan McArthur knew this, and did some breathtaking illustations that visually represent the famous quotes he so delicatly brings to life.

This Is Marvelous put together a rather extensive gallery of Ryan McArthur's illustarted quotes for you all to see, and it quite a thing of beauty. When you match up a good quote with a good font and great design, the quote seems to take on a life of its own. Like something that was already powerful sprouting wings to carry you even further. Check it out and may it inspire a wonderful day in you.

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Amazing Drone Photo of Climbers Atop the Summit of a Mountain

Jungfrau is a mountain in the Bernese Alps of Switzerland. It rises 13,642 feet high. Nine climbers with the outfitting company Mammut reached the peak. Using a drone with a fisheye lens, they captured a photo of themselves, locked arm in arm, around the peak.

This is one of many outstanding photos that Mammut has staged in the Alps. You can see the rest here, and you really should.

-via Colossal

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Banksy's Calvin and Hobbes

(Photo: Banksy)

Poor Calvin. He couldn't stay 6 years old. But none of us can. We must grow up, for the alternative is worse.

-via Nerd Approved

UPDATE 9/17/18: There seems to be some dispute that this is actually a work by Banksy. In fact, it's not even clear that Banksy is on Twitter.

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American Flag Appears in the Clouds

NBC 12 News of Richmond, Virginia posted this photo shot by viewers Nancy and Joannie at the Virginia Center Commons on Thursday, September 11. The stars and stripes appear to waft across the evening sky.

Too good to be true? The news station responds to allegations of photoshoppery by writing, "We know the photographer and they sent a series of photos. It's authentic." Other commenters show their own photos of the cloud flag from different angles.

-via Twitchy

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The Ruins

Kevin Weir takes public domain photographs from The Library of Congress and makes them into surreal and sometimes creepy animated gifs. He gives new life to old photos, but it’s not like any life we’ve ever seen. Don’t blink or you’ll miss ..a possible spark for your nightmares tonight. We’ve featured Weir’s works before, but I thought this one was particularly worth sharing. See more of his imaginative gifs at Flux Machine. -via HuffPo

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The Best Yearbook Photo Ever

It has lasers. It has a cat. It has the shadowy image of that cat hovering ethereally over him.

This is Draven Rodriguez and his cat, Mr. Bigglesworth. He's a senior at Schenectady High School in Schenectady, New York. Vincent Giordano took this amazing photo of him and his cat. Draven would like to use it as his yearbook senior photo (warning: auto-play video). School officials will permit the photo in the yearbook, but not as his official photo.

So Draven has launched an online petition to gather support for an appeal of that decision. It's important to him because he wants people to look at that photo and say, "Yeah, only Draven would do that."

-via Twitchy

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Miss Correct Posture

Contestants Marianne Baba (L), Lois Conway (M) and Ruth Swenson (R) posing with their trophies and X-rays. Photo: Wallace Kirkland/LIFE via Google LIFE Archives

No slouchers here, ma'am! Just winners of the Miss Correct Posture beauty pageant.

In the 50s and 60s, American chiropractors held a series of rather unusual beauty pageants where contestants were judged and winners picked not only by their apparent beauty and poise, but also their standing posture (backed with X-rays of their spines, of course).

The contests were a publicity stunt, Reginal Hug, past president of the Association for the History of Chiropractic, told Scott Hensley of NPR, and was meant to burnish the reputation of the profession. The message, he said, was that good posture led to good health and that chiropractors could help with that. "In those days, nobody was concerned about radiation," Hug added, noting the use of X-rays to check for spinal structures.

Lois Conway, crowned Miss Correct Posture 1956, standing next to her X-ray.

Chiropractors checking the posture of contestant Marianne Baba - notice the plumb bob used to check the straightness of her back.

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